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Abhorred CD listening party cancelled!

[Dec 28,2004 6:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Dec 28,2004 6:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Dec 28,2004 6:24pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
John emailed me and said it can't happen the day it was scheduled for, so it's cancelled.
[Dec 28,2004 6:25pm - pisscup ""]
That's bullshit man, I spent all night picking out shoes.
[Dec 28,2004 6:28pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
pisscup said:That's bullshit man, I spent all night picking out shoes.

I'm sorry man, it must be tough for you.
[Dec 28,2004 10:43pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Farley Family Funtime gets in the way of everything :whipper:
[Dec 29,2004 11:40am - Dissector ""]
Oh man I was just thinking about this last night and how I couldnt wait for it. Is it gonna be reschedualed?
[Dec 29,2004 11:46am - SuperFly ""]
kings of slack!!!
[Dec 29,2004 11:54am - assuck ""]
we are the procrastination kings, yes

i'm sure we have let down a crap load of people.
[Dec 29,2004 11:59am - SuperFly ""]

[Dec 29,2004 12:06pm - SuperFly ""]
you guys are "cold wack for shizzle"
[Dec 29,2004 12:06pm - SuperFly ""]
i have no idea what that means, but for some reason i cant stop saying it.
[Dec 29,2004 12:20pm - assuck ""]
its because youre black
[Dec 29,2004 12:24pm - SuperFly ""]
i suddenly feel like steve martin in "the jerk"
[Dec 29,2004 12:27pm - assuck ""]

i've been yelling "DIE, MILKFACE!" at everyone i know for the past 2 days
[Dec 29,2004 12:33pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
it will most likely be rescheduled in march
[Dec 29,2004 12:53pm - SuperFly ""]
shizzle my wizzle.
[Dec 29,2004 3:08pm - armageddonday ""]
I have nothing to add..
[Dec 29,2004 3:09pm - SuperFly ""]
are you at a loss for words?
[Dec 29,2004 3:19pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah I smoked too much this morning, can't function right.
[Dec 29,2004 3:20pm - SuperFly ""]
i hear ya baby, i'll be smoking too much tonight. probably drinking too much also. YEHAA!
[Dec 29,2004 3:24pm - Blue ""]
why must my emotions be tossed around like this?
[Dec 29,2004 3:58pm - SuperFly ""]
abhorred doesn't care about your emotions. they are only in it for the $money$
[Dec 29,2004 3:58pm - Blue ""]
ah, so true.
[Dec 29,2004 4:58pm - pessimist ""]
speaking of which, give me money dammit.
[Dec 29,2004 5:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i have instructed everyone to be mean you guys until the cd is done, jeff won't give you nothing!
[Dec 29,2004 5:28pm - pessimist ""]
the only thing jeff ever gave me was herpes
[Dec 29,2004 5:29pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
that was the hottest thing i ever read...excuse me while i get some napkins and head to the bathroom
[Dec 29,2004 5:32pm - eddie ""]
[Dec 29,2004 5:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
herpes is overrated
[Dec 29,2004 6:30pm - assuck ""]
if by overrated you mean a barrel of fun
[Dec 30,2004 12:30am - Dissector ""]
I still say there be a get together/party that day at the shop for no real reason.
[Dec 30,2004 12:51am - eddie ""]
Dissector said:I still say there be a get together/party that day at the shop for no real reason.

i like your thinking.
[Dec 30,2004 8:39am - SuperFly ""]
pessimist said:the only thing jeff ever gave me was herpes

hey, that was supposed to be our little secret.:bartmoon:

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