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Tommorow is.....

[Dec 28,2004 10:38pm - Aegathis ""]
my 21st birthday :doublehorns:>:]>:]
Booze booze and more booze :moe:
And no more of the bullshit i had to deal with when we played Obriens. Now the only age i have to look forward to is when my car insurance goes down, and when Im old enough to become president haha :bartmoon:
[Dec 28,2004 10:42pm - nate ""]
looks like we're going to have to take you to Zacharys Pub sometime soon there nippletits...
[Dec 28,2004 11:03pm - Aegathis ""]
yes sirry bob
[Dec 28,2004 11:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Maybe you should learn how to spell TOMORROW now that you are 21.
[Dec 28,2004 11:45pm - Robdeadskin ""]
the he is ....john the human spell check again.....
[Dec 28,2004 11:47pm - dread_104 ""]
doom bull
[Dec 28,2004 11:52pm - Aegathis ""]
ill never learn how to spell tomorow, I have a tendancy to speed through typing something and tomorow is one of those words that doesnt come out in one piece. I guess cause my hands dont like going back and hitting the same letters in one word :spineyes:
[Dec 28,2004 11:57pm - dread_104 ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Maybe you should learn how to spell TOMORROW now that you are 21.

John, nor should YOU start a sentence with an adverb. "For it may be..."

[Dec 28,2004 11:59pm - Aegathis ""]
"For it maybe you should learn" hmmm :spineyes:
[Dec 29,2004 12:03am - dread_104 ""]
"for it may be that you should learn...
[Dec 29,2004 12:46am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Dec 29,2004 7:15am - MikeFuck ""]
Aegathis said:my 21st birthday :doublehorns:>:]>:]
Booze booze and more booze :moe:
And no more of the bullshit i had to deal with when we played Obriens. Now the only age i have to look forward to is when my car insurance goes down, and when Im old enough to become president haha :bartmoon:

I need you to go on the packy run TO END ALL PACKY RUNS...here is three thousand dollars, do not fail me in this.
[Dec 29,2004 9:44am - Nate ""]
Happy drunken birthday Anthony! Have a great time tonight if I don't see ya and I wish you a killer hangover for tomorrow. <--- that's how ya spell tomorrow, bahahaha! j/k man!
[Dec 29,2004 12:35pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Happy b-day ,anthony
[Dec 29,2004 1:14pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
so how does it feel to be 21??

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