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new CLITORTURE mp3....

[Dec 31,2004 3:38am - the_rooster ""]
"THE DEAD MACHINE" : from our upcoming split w/ mucopus. it's not mastered yet, so it's not the final product...

enjoy. http://clitorture.tripod.com (go to the music section)

also updated the site w/ upcoming shows, news, new bio info., etc.
[Jan 1,2005 3:34pm - clitorture  ""]
[Jan 1,2005 3:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
this sounds excellent!
[Jan 1,2005 3:44pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i wish i was able to stay for the whole show in bellingham a few weeks ago
[Jan 1,2005 3:44pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i thought planting the seeds was good...the dead machine is def..the best clitorture song ive heard by far...sick breakdown in the kinda middle part....!!GREAT!!! feb 11th mutha fuckers!
[Jan 1,2005 4:23pm - Robdeadskin ""]
cant stop..listening to this
[Jan 1,2005 5:00pm - dugoxistance  ""]
hot shit! this song is better than all the other songs on the full length. this split is gonna equal action. can't wait.
[Jan 2,2005 12:19am - the_rooster ""]
thanks guys. it's awesome to get such an enthusiastic response. we're really happy with the way it came out. there'll be 4 songs from us total on the split.

mucopus's shit is no fucking joke either. you guys will definately dig that shit. i think they have an mp3 posted on their website. http://com4.runboard.com/bmucoslop.fbandnews

the split will also have a sample track composed by drown retarded children. i can't wait to get it out. should be in the next couple months.
[Jan 2,2005 5:16pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Sounds fuckin awesome Ryan...Ever want to get somethin goin with us, lemme know. We'd love to play w/ you guys again.
[Jan 2,2005 7:29pm - Robdeadskin ""]
holy shit...now i heard flesh pollution on your myspace....next time i see you play...everyone is getting hurt...cheers!!!!
[Jan 14,2005 1:55am - titsational  ""]

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