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soilent green appreciation...

[Jan 2,2005 12:22am - the_rooster ""]
...what a fucking awesome band. i just got "sewn mouth secrets" for my girlfriend for christmas and it rules. "deleted symphony..." owns as well. looking forward to the new one.
[Jan 2,2005 12:26am - Robdeadskin ""]
soilent green kicks ass...."it was just an accident, cold steel kiss, gagged whore", and "she cheated on you twice" are my fav.
[Jan 2,2005 12:31am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Ben is one of my favorite metal vocalist...fucking amazing band too, gotta love the NoLa Metal !!!!!
[Jan 2,2005 12:32am - Blue ""]
very appreciated by me.
[Jan 2,2005 2:23am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
they are awesome,put on a great show
[Jan 2,2005 2:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
great shit

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