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The Tsunami was hilarious, your band sucks, and your girlfriend is wicked ugly

[Jan 3,2005 10:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I had this crazy dream last night where numerous disasters devastated new england, and I joined in with a band of survivors to build a new society. No real people (as in people I know from real life) were in the dream though, which I guess means you all died.
[Jan 3,2005 10:53am - Christraper ""]
i didnt sleep much last night but i had a dream that i was a porn star. it was pretty cool.
[Jan 3,2005 11:01am - the_reverend ""]
I dreamed that I went to a be festival and missed some band on a stage called "purgatory". carina told me that I didn't even know them so it didn't matter.
and then was like "it's 11am!" I relaxed, but then found out it was actually 3pm and I wasn't shooting this festival that I drove xxx miles to get to.
[Jan 3,2005 6:02pm - assuck ""]
i had a dream that hannibal lector (or anthony hopkins, i'm not sure which) was calling me and threatening to kill my family.

and then something happened with some frogs, i cant really remember
[Jan 6,2005 11:45am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i had a dream last night where I was trying to hide a dead body for Anne Armageddon
[Jan 6,2005 11:48am - Robdeadskin ""]
i had a dream that i was at a family reuion and i didnt reconize anyone...pretty lame
[Jan 6,2005 11:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
My dreams are way better then yours
[Jan 6,2005 11:50am - Robdeadskin ""]
that was just that one!!!....mabye its because im tryin to stop drinkin
[Jan 6,2005 11:51am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
dont stop drinking you fucking pussy
[Jan 6,2005 11:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:i had a dream last night where I was trying to hide a dead body for Anne Armageddon

Where did you end up disposing of my corpse?

[Jan 6,2005 11:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Joe/NotCommon said:i had a dream last night where I was trying to hide a dead body for Anne Armageddon

Where did you end up disposing of my corpse?


haha, inside one of your totes you use to lug your distro in
[Jan 6,2005 11:53am - Robdeadskin ""]
aww...i know you will miss me if i dont come buy beers at your work....
[Jan 6,2005 11:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
yeah the one time you came in and i laughed in your face because Damage Plan sucks
[Jan 6,2005 11:56am - Robdeadskin ""]
and they do suck...your point? and you didnt laugh in my face.......your assholeness stays back home behind your keyboard..haha
[Jan 6,2005 11:56am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i'd say i am more of an asshole in person, but i was working, i can't berate you in front of customers
[Jan 6,2005 11:57am - paganmegan ""]
I dreamt last night that I was at a venom concert. Cronos refused to do actual songs, only his weird spoken word chanting like in the beginning of at war with satan .. the crowd got antsy and angry and then cronos made the earth open up and people were swallowed into the abyss of hell .. not me though
[Jan 6,2005 11:58am - Robdeadskin ""]
sure ya can...dont let the rules stop you there...come on have some balls!
[Jan 6,2005 11:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
im not the one quitting drinking you pussy
[Jan 6,2005 12:01pm - Robdeadskin ""]
you dont care about the safty of your pet grizzly bear, and log cabin, do you?
[Jan 6,2005 12:02pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
make some good jokes or stay out of my thread
[Jan 6,2005 12:04pm - Robdeadskin ""]
ok grizzly adams.....your boring anyway..thats why your show only lasted two seasons..im goin to dunkin donuts now...see ya!
[Jan 6,2005 12:05pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
im working 2-10, come visit me because I have real things to talk to you about regarding your band for the summer time.
[Jan 6,2005 12:06pm - Robdeadskin ""]
ok..but then i might buy beer..ahh..but i have to talk to you to so..will do....im goin grocery shoppin anyway...wow thats sounds lame.
[Jan 6,2005 12:48pm - litacore of the dead  ""]
my dream last night was that I was in the airfield sequence in Dawn of the Dead, and I locked myself in a room to protect myself from the zombies. Then it sounded like there were other people outside trying to get away. I woke up before I got eaten or shot.
[Jan 6,2005 1:04pm - retzam ""]
I smoked before bed last night, and again when I woke up at 5:30 before sleeping until 11, so I don't remember anything about last nights dreams.

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