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ATTN: Anyone who records

[Jan 5,2005 1:48am - SacreligionNlI  ""]
We were looking to do a full length cd in February. Is there anyone on here who can produce an album with professional quality and all that jazz?

If you wanna hear our sound go to www.myspace.com/Sacreligion/

if you're interested just post on here with your availability, cost, samples, etc.

perferrably someone with a lot of experience and a good setup
[Jan 5,2005 3:30am - moran ""]
My friend does some good shit, http://www.stonecutterproductions.com/ . Good set upe, just moved into a new studio, good price too.
[Jan 5,2005 2:42pm - SacreligionNlI  ""]
iiiiiiiiiiiinteresting....anyone else have any valuable info?
[Jan 5,2005 3:03pm - largefreakatzero ""]
We went to this guy, he has a studio out of his house in ME. Good guy, did a really good job for not too much cake:
Count Trackula Studios - Darris McFarland
e-mail - GTRPLR70@yahoo.com
site - http://counttrackula.tripod.com
[Jan 5,2005 3:06pm - dyingmuse ""]
i have a digital 18 track here and you could use shrouds room. i have 5 good mikes, headphones exc. but i can't really master from here, you may need to get someone else to master it. but i may be down.
[Jan 5,2005 4:44pm - Bradness ""]
Tsunami Sound is the best studio in New England for the price. Whiuch is around 30-35 an hour. THe engineer Marc is SO easy to work with. He did the Conifer full length, the Ocean demo, Kurixis, CWAF(though it's not released yet). I've been in bands and recording for 12 years, and this guy is the best i've ever met. there's a link to the site from coniferkills.com
[Jan 5,2005 5:33pm - dyingmuse ""]
well, if money isn't an issue, i'd say go with dizzyland....the best engineer is andy happle...he fucking rock, and is truly brilliant. they ask for 30ish ann hour too. i did my whole album there and wouldn't change a thing!
[Jan 5,2005 11:59pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
as long as you can get initial tracks recorded and saved on a cd i will mix all of it for free...it will sound better than anything dizzyland can conjure up
[Jan 6,2005 1:37am - SacreligionNlI  ""]
all interesting ideas...

stonecutter sounded like a good idea. there's a guy from wormtown who's really good but more based in alternative shit.

i'm not familiar with dizzyland, but i've heard of tsunami sound and that they produce awesome stuff...plus they share a name with a recent, possibly apocalyptic event

hey milkywaydeathfuck by initial tracks do you just mean hard drive files that haven't been touched?
[Jan 6,2005 2:48am - moran ""]
This is my shit that was done at Stonecutter a couple years ago. It has been seriously upgraded since then.

[Jan 6,2005 7:44am - HANDINJURY ""]
there is 2 important things when going to record: Money and the Engineer.Period.
$$$-If you think your going to get a good sounding record done @$15/hr in one day is not going to happen.
Engineer - if the guys not familer w/ the type of metal your doing good fucking luck, getting what you want. A good enginner will be able to produce good results regardless of level of equipment.
Allways bring referance cds of your fav recordings/album that are similer to your style. So the guy notices the clicky bdl bass, the guitars are really distorted and need some mids to cut threw the mix etc.
If you spend a decent amount of $$ recording then, make sure you bring the product to a actually MASTERING HOUSE. (make sure teh master is not to over compressed and have the enginner leave some headroom on the master so the Mastering guy has more to work with.)
And please spend the extra time and money and spend some time on it. The recording is what repesents your band. If the recording blows, that dosent say much of the band. I know, most bands have a small budet($300) to record, so you got to work with what you got.
Its funny when a band pays $300 for recording, then $1500 for pressing cds.
[Jan 6,2005 11:54am - Josh_hates_you ""]
HANDINJURY said:there is 2 important things when going to record: Money and the Engineer.Period.
$$$-If you think your going to get a good sounding record done @$15/hr in one day is not going to happen.

make that 3 things money, producer/engineer, and time.

amen to everything else you said too, but i fucking hate it when people wanna get shit done in a day and then look at me like its my fault their recording sucks when they didnt play it right or tune their instruments, change strings, change drumheads, try different snares etc. not to mention when the song itself sucks or people play with terrible technique that might be okay on stage. take the time to produce your own sound if you dont hire a producer and make sure everything sounds good BEFORE going to tape.
[Jan 6,2005 12:13pm - dyingmuse ""]

this was done at dizzyland
[Jan 6,2005 12:22pm - HANDINJURY ""]
Josh_hates_you said:HANDINJURY said:there is 2 important things when going to record: Money and the Engineer.Period.
$$$-If you think your going to get a good sounding record done @$15/hr in one day is not going to happen.

make that 3 things money, producer/engineer, and time.

amen to everything else you said too, but i fucking hate it when people wanna get shit done in a day and then look at me like its my fault their recording sucks when they didnt play it right or tune their instruments, change strings, change drumheads, try different snares etc. not to mention when the song itself sucks or people play with terrible technique that might be okay on stage. take the time to produce your own sound if you dont hire a producer and make sure everything sounds good BEFORE going to tape.

As i expected, Josh knows what im talking about!!!. Zackleys dude, people think you put on a mic on a snare and your done.(whateva ^*&@# !!!!)
Bands need to fallow the studio primer if they whant to start off on a good foot. (have guitar set up w/ new strings, new tubes, new drum heads - tuned, make sure your kick pedals dont squeek, have all our material down pact!!! etc) The little things really help.
[Jan 6,2005 12:23pm - Bradness ""]
Engineer - if the guys not familer w/ the type of metal your doing good fucking luck, getting what you want. A good enginner will be able to produce good results regardless of level of equipment.

words to live by. A good example is our(kev. angels) first album. The guy is a decent engineer, but had no clue how to record us. Plus we are poor, so we settled for a lot of stuff we shouldn't have settled for. Thus, it sounds weak and poorly produced, though we nailed the songs, it, in our opinion, doesn't live up to what we think we're capable of.

[Jan 7,2005 1:41pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
yup...just wav files are all i need
[Jan 7,2005 2:19pm - SacreligionNlI  ""]
our demo has the same problem bradness...it lacks energy

im still in the process of deciding though...we got a month to get $$ together and hopefully we can get at least a grand for the actual recording process...we'll deal with it not being mastered until we get the money to do so
[Jan 9,2005 5:41am - milkydeathgrind ""]
once you get everything recorded you should let me mix it anyways...you might be suprised
[Jan 9,2005 7:39am - SacreligionSucks  ""]
i think i may just do that
[Jan 9,2005 10:41am - dunwich nli  ""]
Bradness said:Tsunami Sound is the best studio in New England for the price. Whiuch is around 30-35 an hour. THe engineer Marc is SO easy to work with. He did the Conifer full length, the Ocean demo, Kurixis, CWAF(though it's not released yet). I've been in bands and recording for 12 years, and this guy is the best i've ever met. there's a link to the site from coniferkills.com

I second Tsunami Sound. Marc has great gear and he definately knows what he's doing. He also works really hard to get things right the first time. He's a pretty nice guy in general and recording with him is a very comfortable experience. I heard part of the CWAF recording during our session and it sounded killer...great drum sound and very full.
[Feb 11,2005 7:40am - milkydeathgrind ""]
yep.....like i said....i can mix and master everything for free...i'll do it right this minute damnit!!!

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