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The Secret Life of Teenage Girls News update, for the one or so of you who may be interested.

[Jan 7,2005 2:38pm - hanlon666 ""]
The Secret Life of Teenage Girls album/record/demo etc., The Last Living American Marxists is finished as of 2:30 today. It is Digital Hardcore/Hardcore/Metal type stuff. Anyone who wants a copy can email me at hanlon666@hotmail.com and I'll send them a CDR. Some tracks are available to listen and download already at http://www.soundclick.com/bands/1/thesecretlifeofteenagegirls.htm
I am also thinking about doing some shows if anyone wants some sweet Communist Karaoke, so there's something to think about.
Finally if any of you run really cool record labels and like this stuff I am currently accepting offers>:]
[Jan 7,2005 5:22pm - Robdeadskin ""]

[Jan 7,2005 7:48pm - hanlon666 ""]

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