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hey hand injury

[Jan 12,2005 11:55pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
according to http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=12793 you have the focusrite twintrak.

im considering a few options for a new preamp and was considering getting this in the bundle with the bluebird mic since i want a new mic as well.

im just wondering how you like it.

i dont know if i need a full channel strip or of i should just go with a dedicated preamp. maybe a summit audio or something.
[Jan 13,2005 12:03am - handinjury ""]
I like it, its a nice pre w/ some great features.
2 Channel pre, w compression,mid scoop eq, vu meters. Its got xlr and 1/4" inputs on the front. Its even got a direct headphone out(great for eliminating latency from daws)
The blue bird mic looks sweet.
The summit audio stuff is nice too.
I use mine twintrack for snare and kick.
[Jan 13,2005 12:08am - Josh_hates_you ""]
the thing is i only have a mackie board and a cheapo presonus tube pre.

id probably use on kick and snare as well or maybe oh. and then track guitars and vox later.

im sick of recording shit thru my mackie and patching stuff for playback plus im not thrilled with the "beachball" sound of my kicks sometimes. so i want to get a few pres and use my mixing board just for mixing.

and i dont have latency issues im not recording to pc im recording to and HD24.
[Jan 13,2005 12:14am - handinjury ""]
Josh_hates_you said:the thing is i only have a mackie board and a cheapo presonus tube pre.

id probably use on kick and snare as well or maybe oh. and then track guitars and vox later.

im sick of recording shit thru my mackie and patching stuff for playback plus im not thrilled with the "beachball" sound of my kicks sometimes. so i want to get a few pres and use my mixing board just for mixing.

and i dont have latency issues im not recording to pc im recording to and HD24.

Yeah those cheaper tube pre are shit. MAybe good for certain things/tone.
Beach ball sound? do you have your resonant head on or off, try tunning your batter head down.

Dam you , no-latency king!!!!!!!!!!!

[Jan 13,2005 12:26am - Josh_hates_you ""]
it may be the batter head a little but i have read several other people complain about the sound of kick drums thru mackie pres.

i'll record something tommorow and post a raw mix.
[Jan 13,2005 12:38am - handinjury ""]
Josh_hates_you said:it may be the batter head a little but i have read several other people complain about the sound of kick drums thru mackie pres.

i'll record something tommorow and post a raw mix.

I got the evans emad on my kicks, that head rules.

Whats the size of that room the drums are in?
[Jan 13,2005 1:25pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
so i recorded a quick sample today

oktava mc012 oh bout 7 feet up equally spaced over hh and ride2 feet back from the set pointed slightly in towrds the snare panned left and right

sm57 snare top 2" up and 2" in at 45 degree angle

akg d112 just inside the hole on kick

sennheiser e604 on toms 2 inches off head at 45 degree angle

oktava mkl2500 tube mic about 8 feet back from the set at about 5 feet

the room is about 9' by 14' which is less than ideal but i make do. there is a blanket tacked up on the wall behind be and a piece or egg crate on the ceiling 2 feet out in fron of the set to absorb some of the high frequencies. some pillows and clothes in the corners.

no EQ and no compression pre or post, just a raw mix with some pushed faders.

http://www.myspace.com/fuckingkaratechop last i knew the song was still in the process of uploading or processing or whatever. either way im sure it will sound like ass on myspace.
[Jan 13,2005 1:27pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
now it says there is an error and i need to re upload it.........

i'll get it right at some point.
[Jan 13,2005 6:31pm - handinjury ""]
Josh_hates_you said:now it says there is an error and i need to re upload it.........

i'll get it right at some point.

Id like to hear it.
Is that octavia tube " room mic" front or back of kit.
I didnt now that you are fuckingkaratechopchopchopchop
[Jan 13,2005 7:50pm - handinjury ""]
Josh_hates_you said:
the room is about 9' by 14' which is less than ideal but i make do.

Your lucky, my drum room is tiny 7ft 4" X 9ft (and it sounds horrible)
I was so sick of shitty/boxxy drums that i moved my kit in the kitchen one day, and bam!!!! my kit never sounded so nice, the overhead tracks were so sweet, they gave me a stiffy. everything just had its own voice.
[Jan 13,2005 10:27pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
its in front of the kit. the drum loop on the profile works now.

powerkok was the other member and there was a song up and he finished #2 but i think karate chop died. im half assed learning to play guitar so karate chop might return.......
[Jan 13,2005 10:31pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
it sounds kinda shitty on myspace.....i need to tune my drums, new heads wouldn't hurt either.

gates, EQ and compression would work wonders too. no mic or preamp is gonna make a tama rockstar set with cheap paiste cymbals sound like a bohnam reissue.

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