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so, the acacia strain?

[Jun 9,2003 1:08am - XAucoinX ""]
been hearing some gossip, is their 15 minutes up?
[Jun 9,2003 2:14am - the_reverend ""]
spill the gossip.
last I head they were in the studios for the next month or so to record that :shocker: track.
[Jun 9,2003 9:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
last I heard their bassist was getting a restraining order against me
[Jun 9,2003 12:42pm - XmikeX ""]
last i heard they were still terrible
[Jun 9,2003 5:28pm - hmmm  ""]
last i heard they changed their name to the acacia suck.
[Jun 9,2003 6:08pm - ActionAttack ""]
last i heard their sets sucked and are an hour long and fucking delay shows
[Jun 9,2003 10:44pm - Terence ""]
Last I heard... wait, they already got their 15 minutes? Could have fooled me.
[Jun 10,2003 1:09am - XmikeX ""]
holy shit thats the first time i've ever heard scott say anything negative...and with GOOD cause.
[Jun 10,2003 2:16am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
Worst band going
[Jun 10,2003 6:55am - RustedAngel ""]
last i heard, one of their guitarist jacks other bands gear.

[Jun 10,2003 9:20am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you guys are so mean
as the nicest and most open minded person on this message board I must insist that this bashing end

I saw a picture of the acacia strain's singer
what's his deal? looks like an experiment gone wrong
[Jun 13,2003 5:18pm - XaucoinX ""]
i heard chris is getting 'the boot' because of all those things he said about vincent.
[Jun 13,2003 8:27pm - ActionAttack ""]
the last i heard mike made me laugh with the last comment he made. haha

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