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any CROWBAR fans here?

[Jan 14,2005 1:13pm - the_rooster ""]
i for one am shitting with excitement about the new release "lifesblood for the downtrodden" (out 2/8/05). i can't seem to find any mp3 previews from it. anyone know of any... rev? HELP!

their heaviness is unmatched.
[Jan 14,2005 1:15pm - moran ""]
Yep, good shit. The should be in the record books for fattest band ever.
[Jan 14,2005 1:20pm - suckreligionNLI  ""]
cant wait to see them at the webster theater with fuckin entombed and suicide dream. siiiiiick
[Jan 14,2005 1:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
actually the band isn't that fat anymore....and again i would just like to say Kirk is a pee drinker !
[Jan 14,2005 1:30pm - RichHorror ""]
The bassist has to still be fat. He HAS TO.
[Jan 14,2005 1:30pm - Mike Proteus  ""]
Great band.
[Jan 14,2005 2:30pm - shatteredliz ""]
Nice! I must have ESP or something because I've been listening to Crowbar all week and I just found out about the new album. I wonder if they'll be any good without all those extra pounds?
[Jan 14,2005 2:30pm - BornSoVile ""]
i fucking love crowbar.
[Jan 14,2005 3:05pm - the_rooster ""]
RichHorror said:The bassist has to still be fat. He HAS TO.

I believe you're referring to todd strange. he hasn't played with them since the "odd fellows rest" album was recorded. rex brown from pantera played on the new one, but is not touring with them.
[Jan 14,2005 3:07pm - blue ""]
the_rooster said:I believe you're referring to todd strange. he hasn't played with them since the "odd fellows rest" album was recorded. rex brown from pantera played on the new one, but is not touring with them.

why not? theres gotta be at least one member of pantera that goes on to do do something great.
[Jan 14,2005 3:36pm - anonymous  ""]
I fucking love Crowbar. Period.
[Jan 14,2005 6:09pm - pisscup ""]
live + 1 is raw and yummy
[Jan 14,2005 6:54pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Jan 14,2005 6:55pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
aw dood Sonic Excess is so heavy gotta disagree !
[Jan 14,2005 7:11pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, there are a bunch of great ones, but I have a special place in my heart for Odd Fellows Rest.
[Jan 18,2005 5:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i just got the new record..pretty good but not really blowing my hair back as far as being any better then their other albums. i was hoping for more, a lot of it sounds like Down outtakes !

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