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Man, the flu sucks asshole

[Jan 15,2005 2:14am - Scoracrasia ""]
I just abrubtly woke up here a 2am delirious and with a 104.2 temp. Funny though because I am freezing. This flu shit is everywhere. Nate had it and his turned into pnemoneua, or however it's spelled. I hope he can do that Southern slamfest alright.
[Jan 15,2005 6:04am - swamplorddvm ""]
I think I had it for about two days. Maybe not. I hope it was.
[Jan 15,2005 9:39am - retzam ""]
I've been feeling like shit for the bast couple of days. Maybe I'm getting the flu.
[Jan 15,2005 10:01am - succubus ""]
that sucks..it's been about a month for me
got to the doctor asap
[Jan 15,2005 10:16am - Scoracrasia ""]
feeling a bit better today, I slept like crazy which is strange because I am usually awake and can't sleep when I feel like dung.
[Jan 15,2005 5:24pm - malettey ""]
last time i had the flu, i thought i farted but it turned out to be diarrhea. in white boxer shorts.
[Jan 15,2005 8:20pm - Scoracrasia ""]
malettey said:last time i had the flu, i thought i farted but it turned out to be diarrhea. in white boxer shorts.

Now, that sucks. shit happens, constantly.
[Jan 16,2005 3:35pm - silky ""]
the flu sucks. My first day off in 16 days was spent engaged in non-drug induced vomiting. way gay.

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