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Teratism - Harder Fasters Artist of The Week

[Jan 18,2005 11:53pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
just heard them on AAF on my way to a friends house, didn't know if anyone else heard it or not.
[Jan 18,2005 11:54pm - blue ""]
[Jan 18,2005 11:56pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 18,2005 11:56pm - the_reverend ""]
i wonder if rttp has been mentioned on harder faster outside of BEO.
[Jan 19,2005 12:01am - BornSoVile ""]
WOW. tip of the hat to ya'll.
[Jan 19,2005 12:03am - dread_104 ""]
a friend i haven't talked to in years just called me and told me about it.
said they've played 2 songs tonight. fuckin' a
[Jan 19,2005 12:04am - BornSoVile ""]
glad to see they're playing local shit too!
[Jan 19,2005 12:05am - dread_104 ""]
der, the dude was our old bassist, Jim. he said he called to see if it was the same band and Mike mentioned he'd gotten alot of calls for us.
Whenever something unexpected like this happens, we know who to thank, Jim Ash.
[Jan 19,2005 12:26am - dreadkill ""]
that is fuckin awesome. i wish i heard it. there's normally too much metalcore on that show to warrant me tuning in to it.
[Jan 19,2005 7:14am - subjugate ""]
the_reverend said:i wonder if rttp has been mentioned on harder faster outside of BEO.

what the heck is BEO?
[Jan 19,2005 8:26am - assuck ""]
[Jan 19,2005 8:30am - shatteredliz ""]
Congrats guys!
[Jan 19,2005 8:38am - assuck ""]
what she said
[Jan 19,2005 9:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Jan 19,2005 10:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
oh yeah, congratulations Teratism, I guess.
[Jan 19,2005 10:51am - subjugate ""]
dread_104 said:der, the dude was our old bassist, Jim. he said he called to see if it was the same band and Mike mentioned he'd gotten alot of calls for us.
Whenever something unexpected like this happens, we know who to thank, Jim Ash.

lil'o me
you guys deserve it your one of the better local bands and one that dosen't put me to sleep after your second song
[Jan 19,2005 10:54am - litacore ""]
when is that show on, anyway? sounds like they trip out and play actual metal for once
[Jan 19,2005 11:17am - subjugate ""]
11 to midnite

duh i only posted a year ago + that they were doing this and i got called gay cause it was aaf now ya'll are jizzing over it

[Jan 19,2005 11:22am - litacore ""]
haha, I don't know if I'm jizzing just yet, merely curious
[Jan 19,2005 11:22am - Robdeadskin ""]
i wish i heard it...hope the play more songs tonite....
[Jan 19,2005 11:58am - subjugate ""]
last 3 play lists

Playlist for 1/18/05
By Mike Hsu (Hsu)
1. Slayer- Gemini

2. Lamb Of God- Break You

3. Slipknot- The Blister Exists

4. Dimmu Borgir- Blessings Upon The Throne Of Tyranny

5. Seemless- Somethings Got To Give

6. Full Blown Chaos- So Cold

7. Dry Kill Logic- Paper Tiger

8. Teratism- Still Life

9. Dead To Fall- Stand Your Ground

10. 3 Inches Of Blood- Revenge Is A Vulture

11. Old man's Child- Agony Of Fallen Grace

12. S.O.D.- Milk

Playlist for 1/17/05
By Mike Hsu (Hsu)

1. Slayer- War Ensemble

2. Teratism- Eternal Retribution

3. Amon Amarth- The Pursuit Of Vikings

4. Dark Tranquility- Through Smudged Lenses

5. Sea Of Green- High For The Ride

6. Atreyu- Right Side Of The Bed

7. Behemoth- Demigod

8. Vader- Intro/Out Of The Deep

9. Kill Your Idols- I Hate My Guts

10. Children Of Bodom- Triple Corpse Hammerblow

11. Haste- A God Reclaims His Throne

12. Mortician- The Bloodseekers

13. Nailbomb- Wasting Away

Playlist for 1/14/05
By Mike Hsu (Hsu)
1. Slayer- Seasons In The Abyss

2. All That Remains- And Death In My Arms

3. Dark Tranquility- Lost To Apathy

4. Six Feet Under- Dead And Buried(Living Life In The Grave)

5. Clutch- Pure Rock Fury

6. Lamb Of God- Blood Of The Scribe

7. Full Blown Chaos- Waking The Demons

8. Kreator- Murder Fantasies

9. Death Angel- Thicker Than Blood

10. Dimmu Borgir- Lepers Among Us

11. Cataract- Nothing's Left

12. Megadeth- Holy Wars(Punishment Is Due)
[Jan 19,2005 12:09pm - litacore ""]
hmm--not too shabby
[Jan 19,2005 12:11pm - Robdeadskin ""]
are they playin us all week?
[Jan 19,2005 2:42pm - Dissector ""]
Thats cool guys. way to go
[Jan 19,2005 5:04pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
yea you guys are the artist of the week he will play something from the new cd all week long
[Jan 19,2005 5:07pm - Robdeadskin ""]
[Jan 19,2005 5:08pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
[Jan 19,2005 5:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
harder faster has lots and lots of potential. i like hsu. i think he djs a well rounded show. it's cool too cause he brings bands in the studio. i just feel he should play one local track per show, that would be great and would help everyone out in the long run. that's not alot to ask and no i'm not crying about it.
[Jan 19,2005 5:32pm - assuck ""]
yes you are crying jawshua, and we discussed this

the more you cry, the harder i swing the oar
[Jan 19,2005 5:34pm - fucking crybaby  ""]
BornSoVile said: i'm not crying about it.

heres a tissue

[Jan 19,2005 5:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah we'll see who's crying at pratice tonight when i accidently crack your face with my head stock when we're head banging in unison. everyone needs to see the beauty of it, it makes me jiz just thinking about. headbanging in unison, that is. : p
[Jan 19,2005 5:37pm - assuck ""]

heres a tissue

[Jan 19,2005 5:37pm - assuck ""]
get it?



i'm on a fuckin roll.
[Jan 19,2005 5:38pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah here's a finger you douchebags :middlefinger:
: )
[Jan 19,2005 5:39pm - assuck ""]
finger roll?

i dont get it
[Jan 20,2005 7:00am - subjugate ""]
Playlist for 1/19/05
By Mike Hsu (Hsu) @ 9:10 PM :: Playlists :: 0 Comments :: 9 Views

1. Slayer- Chemical Warfare

2. Most Precious Blood- The Great Red Shift

3. Madball- For My Enemies

4. Anthrax- Caught In A Mosh

5. Bongzilla- Greenthumb

6. Into Eternity- Embraced By Desolation

7. Shadows Fall- Those Who Cannot Speak

8. In Battle- Despoter

9. E Town Concrete- Wide Awake

10. Death Before Dishonor- Another Day

11. Teratism- Disturbing The Colony

12. Bad Brains- Re- Ignition
[Jan 20,2005 9:33am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha madball
[Jan 20,2005 9:34am - assuck ""]
i'm gonna start a band called C-Town Dirt Road
[Jan 20,2005 9:37am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
L-Town mountain pass
[Jan 20,2005 9:39am - Mike Proteus  ""]
Someone from waaf, a well known nu metal station, actually knows about In Battle? In Battle is the opposite spectrum from what they normally play.
[Jan 20,2005 11:27am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
IN BATTLE is on Metal Blade now.
[Jan 20,2005 11:30am - Mike Proteus  ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:IN BATTLE is on Metal Blade now.

What?!?! Man.. first Yob, now In Battle. What the hell happened to Napalm records...

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