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six pack for a $1

[Jan 21,2005 10:55pm - handinjury ""]
So im waiting in line @ the packy, and all of a sudden two beers break of that palstic ring(cans) and start rolling , i just stand there "that sucks" as i watch them roll away, then a foot steps on one, i look up and there is this beautiful chick "its ok, go get another 6pack" im like "thank you". So i come back, she rings me out we exchange "have goodnight". Then im sitting in my car, and then it hits me , i just got a 6pack of labattes blue for a $1. Fucking killer deals!!!! Why didnt i notice that when i payed? Duh, that chick was hott, she hooked me up.
So i am currently drinking alone doing a labattes vs. Guiness night.
[Jan 21,2005 11:02pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Guiness wins hands down
[Jan 21,2005 11:08pm - horror_tang ""]
You should have said, "Hey baby, I play in a band. Let's go rock out at my place and drink these beers." If a hot chick hooks you up with cheap beer then she wants a hunk of burning love. If she said no you could just call her an ungrateful lesbian and smash something on the way out of the store.
[Jan 22,2005 12:42am - dreadkill ""]
awesome. you should totally drill that broad.
[Jan 22,2005 12:46am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
drink more jager !

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