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Who else has to work today?

[Jan 24,2005 9:18am - HANDINJURY ""]
Its not fair i have to work while others are home in bed. But noooo, im at work.:pukeface:
[Jan 24,2005 9:20am - psychogirl ""]
me too, me too...
[Jan 24,2005 9:25am - the_reverend ""]
I'm at work too... I could have worked from home... but I need to trace packets, which I can't do from home.

it was wicked cold out this morning... 2 feet of snow spread every where... and I have an ear ache that is making my head heard... and I left my cellphone at home.
[Jan 24,2005 9:26am - litacore ""]
I do, but it's not so bad, only a fifteen minute walk from my house, and it is DEAD here in the library right now

what I am NOT looking forward to is digging my car out, it's buried up to the roof right now
[Jan 24,2005 9:29am - RustedAngel ""]
i'm in, and I almost got in an accident earlier. I was going down a hill before train tracks and I needed to slow down so I went down from 3rd to 2nd gear and my rear end started moving so I tapped the break and for some reason the back end swung sideways (even though my car is front wheel drive) and I slid down the rest of the hill going "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" then immediately started laughing when I realized there were no cars or trains coming. what a way to start the day!
[Jan 24,2005 9:30am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
I have been here at work scince noon yesterday and dont leave untill 4 today beat that fuckers... i do have the rest of the week off though
[Jan 24,2005 9:30am - Mike Proteus  ""]
At work, much to my disliking.
[Jan 24,2005 9:32am - litacore ""]
oops, I just got an e-mail that I am supposed to be home, no work today

twist my arm
[Jan 24,2005 9:34am - the_reverend ""]
but... I got my nintendo DS and there's a bathroom here.
I need to work out some brown babies in little while.
that will give me a stinky respite..
[Jan 24,2005 9:35am - paganmegan ""]
It is exceedingly gay that I have to work
[Jan 24,2005 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
arg.. my ear hurts so much that I can't touch the hair on the back of my head cause it hurts...
and the side of my face hurts too.
[Jan 24,2005 10:15am - malettey ""]
i have to work 12-5....i know that's nothing, only 5 hours, but i have school too, so i can't work as much as i'd like. i work in a grocery store!!! i'm going places!!!
[Jan 24,2005 10:15am - succubus ""]
you had already left when i saw your cell phone on the floor...

i would have brought it to your work..but you know the drill..i left it on the stairs for you
[Jan 24,2005 10:27am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
me. BOO.
[Jan 24,2005 10:41am - lady_czerach ""]
No work for me. I just woke up and I'm about to walk to Bickford's.
But this means I don't get overtime pay this week. Boo to that.
[Jan 24,2005 10:43am - succubus ""]
i took a personal day

and now am applying elsewhere

go me!
[Jan 24,2005 11:18am - BornSoVile ""]
hah, i went in early and my boss called me crazy for showing up.
i've been sitting around for most of the mornign organizing my room, my boss just called and said i got a peterbilt commin in at 12, i said no thanks, and he seems cool about it. i got lots of errands to do today : p
[Jan 24,2005 11:38am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i have no job. i rule.
[Jan 24,2005 11:52am - Hooker ""]
Bitches and hoes.
[Jan 24,2005 7:15pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
I just woke up at like 5:30,haha, Only work on the weekends
[Jan 24,2005 10:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i'd just like employment !

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