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Parking in the city this week

[Jan 24,2005 8:58pm - litacore ""]
is it really that fucked up? Looks pretty bad from my window. my main concern is allston/brighton, where we practice.

I dug my car out (only two hours, woo-hoo!) but haven't driven anywhere yet. Our two-way street is wicked narrow though and everyone is getting stuck in the snowbanks, making that wicked gay (and smelly) tire noise. I swear, people in this town have no clue. I am among them.

OK, just thought I'd rant for a second, in lieu of playing guitar or reading the Bible tonight.
[Jan 24,2005 11:08pm - retzam ""]
I tried to read the bible once. Well, not really the Bible, just psalms and proverbs of the new testament. I think I lost interest after a few chapters.

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