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welcome warwhore

[Jan 31,2005 1:13pm - succubus ""]
i miss you <3
[Jan 31,2005 1:14pm - Hooker ""]

[Jan 31,2005 1:16pm - succubus ""]
don't speak for her you hooker!

she's the only one who greets me in my native tongue

[Jan 31,2005 1:17pm - litacore ""]
tutti l'ama Carina!
[Jan 31,2005 1:18pm - succubus ""]
litacore said:tutti l'ama Carina!

[Jan 31,2005 1:19pm - litacore ""]
or, with a little animal fur added to the boots:

alle elsker De Carina!

Freetranslation.com is fun
[Jan 31,2005 1:23pm - paganmegan ""]
freetranslation.com is great for boredom at work
[Jan 31,2005 1:36pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
it ain't free, or i'm on the wrong site ,every time i try and get stuff translated it goes to a payment page and ask me to pay tons of money and they will e-mail me my translation in 24 hours
[Jan 31,2005 2:34pm - WarWhore ""]
thanx carina. spero di vederti in persona.
a presto!

ciao ~~~~~~(@

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