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who knows Summoning?

[Jan 31,2005 3:59pm - litacore ""]
I guess they're Tolkien-ized Black Metal (what Black Metal isn't, at least slightly?), anyone hear/recommend them?

I'm not talking about the US band Summon, I already know of them, and that they destroy--
[Jan 31,2005 4:09pm - Dol Guldor  ""]
Get Stronghold.

Greatest Black Metal album of all time. No argument.
[Jan 31,2005 4:10pm - litacore ""]
really? hmm--
[Jan 31,2005 4:12pm - Yes  ""]
seriously. Get it. Unbelievable disc.
[Jan 31,2005 4:16pm - Summoning  ""]
[Jan 31,2005 4:19pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Stronghold, Dol Goldur and they had one something like ''Minas Morgul''....not so sure of THAT title, but everything Ive heard of theirs is fuckin amazing. Like Lycia doing black metal.
[Jan 31,2005 4:21pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
They also got one called ''Lost Tales''.....all classical shit. Not bad at all.
[Jan 31,2005 4:27pm - litacore ""]
alrighty, thanks, and noted!

[Jan 31,2005 4:31pm - anonymous  ""]
summoning is sick
[Jan 31,2005 6:07pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I sell the SUMMONING "Stronghold" CD in my distro, you need to open your eyes!
[Jan 31,2005 6:51pm - litacore ""]
I only heard tell of them about a week ago
[Jan 31,2005 8:05pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
you must know of the Summoning-related band Abigor?
[Feb 1,2005 6:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
Summoning is an awesome band. I highly recommend all of their albums especially Dol Guldor and Stronghold. Very relaxing dreamy atmospheric epically minimalistically inclinded symphonic black metal.

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