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tonight-fox news-boston beatdown

[Feb 3,2005 8:38pm - tbone_r ""]
10 oclock on fox news they're doing some story on boston beatdown.
[Feb 3,2005 8:41pm - MysteryWoman ""]
again? is anyone gonna tape it ?
[Feb 3,2005 8:54pm - i_am_not_me ""]
I'd tape it if I had the means. But I don't have a working VCR anymore, and not enough hard drive space for a video capture thing.
[Feb 3,2005 8:58pm - Hooker ""]
[Feb 3,2005 9:01pm - i_am_not_me ""]
The last one was on WHDH. Don't know if Fox 25 did one yet.
[Feb 3,2005 9:03pm - hoser ""]
haven't the media "Beat" this story down yet?
[Feb 3,2005 9:07pm - MysteryWoman ""]
i said again because they were the topic of fox news a while ago and the rev had posted it too.
[Feb 3,2005 9:08pm - tbone_r ""]
[Feb 3,2005 10:18pm - MysteryWoman ""]
any one watching it?

This girl who lives in andover public housing who happens to own a mercedez SUV, got arrested for stealing 10's of thousands of dollars worth of lingerie and then selling it on ebay! she's nasty too
[Feb 3,2005 10:22pm - MysteryWoman ""]
"are they staging it [the fights] to make a quick buck"
~they are talking about the boston beatdown DVD
[Feb 3,2005 10:24pm - dirteecrayon ""]
what else has to be said about Boston Beat Down that hasn't been published already in newspapers and the such?
[Feb 3,2005 10:27pm - MysteryWoman ""]
I guess we'll find out in a bit...Are you watching it? It's gonna be on after the break, part of the "fox investigates" thing
[Feb 3,2005 10:34pm - MysteryWoman ""]
ronan's being interviewed and you just saw Colin (OA) say fighting is better than sex. They are mostly showing clips from the DVD
[Feb 3,2005 10:37pm - MysteryWoman ""]
poor moby
[Feb 3,2005 10:38pm - MysteryWoman ""]
DVD has been selling especially well in Germany
[Feb 3,2005 10:38pm - intricateprocess ""]
from what ive heard, that dickhead moby had it coming
[Feb 3,2005 10:41pm - dirteecrayon ""]
did something happen to him again or are you guys referring to that incident that happened a long time ago?
[Feb 3,2005 10:42pm - intricateprocess ""]
the long time ago incident i belive. fox news is doing a story on the whole shit i guess

[Feb 3,2005 10:43pm - tbone_r ""]
long time ago.
[Feb 3,2005 10:44pm - tbone_r ""]
i hate these reports. it's weird knowing what really happens, and then seeing what they say on the news.
[Feb 3,2005 10:46pm - MysteryWoman ""]
dirteecrayon said:did something happen to him again or are you guys referring to that incident that happened a long time ago?
2002 incident

[Feb 3,2005 10:49pm - intricateprocess ""]
tbone_r said:i hate these reports. it's weird knowing what really happens, and then seeing what they say on the news.

my thoughts exatcley. shit just totally gets blown the fuck out of preportion. than you get to listen to people who saw the news report and they think they know whats going on
[Feb 3,2005 11:50pm - XmikeX ""]

You mean to tell me that members of FSU, and Outlaws MAY have POTENTIAL criminal records?!?!!!! Nobody told me this!!! Nicely done Fox Undercover.

Hey, good thing they got the Maine police's side of the story. Otherwise I'd never understand what was going on at hardcore shows in Boston. I'm sure the Idaho police were too busy to comment.

[Feb 3,2005 11:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
Outlaws are totally surrouned by hell's angels on the south shore. I guess the Outlaws are in Brockton or something. whatever, gangs are queer.
[Feb 3,2005 11:56pm - XmikeX ""]


[Feb 4,2005 12:02am - MysteryWoman ""]
Home of the Champion!
[Feb 4,2005 12:25am - BornSoVile ""]
[Feb 4,2005 12:42am - i_am_not_me ""]
XmikeX said:OH MY GOD!!!!

You mean to tell me that members of FSU, and Outlaws MAY have POTENTIAL criminal records?!?!!!! Nobody told me this!!! Nicely done Fox Undercover.

Hey, good thing they got the Maine police's side of the story. Otherwise I'd never understand what was going on at hardcore shows in Boston. I'm sure the Idaho police were too busy to comment.


They HAD to talk to the Maine police, I think they said...the Boston police won't talk to them anymore...as they claim because they "exposed some corruption" there or some shit like that. :ralphie:
[Feb 4,2005 1:02am - XmikeX ""]
nobody HAS to do anything. whatever their excuse was they looked stupid for going to the Maine police over violence in boston.
[Feb 4,2005 1:43am - RustedAngel ""]
isn't there a lot of fsu members in portland though?

hence why there are hardly any shows in portland anymore.

I just watched the segment on tv...
[Feb 4,2005 2:05am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
same here just saw it, i wish the footage of Moby getting beat up was better though !
[Feb 4,2005 3:02am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
The FSU isn't around anymore..... Those guys used to come to our shows wherever we played. We were good friends with Chris and Matt back in the 1990's. Those guys were always cool with us. I haven't seen any of them in years....
[Feb 4,2005 9:06am - BestialOnslaught ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:The FSU isn't around anymore...

Right :ralphie:
[Feb 4,2005 9:07am - RustedAngel ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:The FSU isn't around anymore.....

yes they are, they just don't like your band.

[Feb 4,2005 9:18am - XmikeX ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:The FSU isn't around anymore..... Those guys used to come to our shows wherever we played. We were good friends with Chris and Matt back in the 1990's. Those guys were always cool with us. I haven't seen any of them in years....

goto brockton on a friday night.
[Feb 4,2005 10:36am - anonymous  ""]
Chabo is a bad motherfucker...
[Feb 8,2005 10:14am - Chris FSU  ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:The FSU isn't around anymore..... Those guys used to come to our shows wherever we played. We were good friends with Chris and Matt back in the 1990's. Those guys were always cool with us. I haven't seen any of them in years....

is this Eric? This is Chris...I just never hear of your shows anymore. Do you guys still play? I loved CSDO, we use to have a blast at your shows. We are still around, but as you can see alot of things have changed. I'm glad that most people can see through the media bullshit. thanks for the support.

[Feb 8,2005 10:22am - deadhooker ""]
so is fox just running the same "undercover" segments for ratings or soemthing? How many fucking times do they plan to run the same "boston beatdown" footage? Maybe they should "investigate" something new.
[Feb 8,2005 10:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
they should investigate why asian women love anal sex
[Feb 8,2005 10:24am - deadhooker ""]
guess we know why you love asian women so much then
[Feb 8,2005 5:47pm - XmikeX ""]
Asian women like what they're told to like. That's what makes them great.
[Feb 17,2005 7:15pm - dirteecrayon ""]
channel 7 news (boston) just aired a piece about boston beat down & fsu during the 6pm news today.
i only caught the last half but members of fsu were talking about how they sponsor charity event and scholarships...
[Feb 17,2005 7:36pm - tbone_r ""]
yeah, i heard like 10 out of the 20 bucks for the dvd went to some scholarship fund. does that newscast re-air at 10,11, at all?
[Feb 17,2005 7:59pm - dirteecrayon ""]
[Feb 17,2005 8:32pm - XmikeX ""]

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