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Last night's Boston's Dead # 30 @ O'Briens...

[Feb 5,2005 5:49pm - anonymous  ""]
We ( Blood Obsession), would like to thank Liz and the dude from Leukorrhea ( sorry, we're bad w/ names), O'Brein's pub, everybody for commin' out, all the other bands...especially Senseless Mutilation, and everyone else who came back to the room who we partied with back at the hotel 'till 7:30 in the morning!!! You guys are the shit!!! You guys made Boston fun!! Thanks again for having us!!! We would love to come out to Boston again anytime, anyplace!

Blood Obsession
[Feb 5,2005 5:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The CD is killer, I am glad I got a bunch for my distro.
[Feb 5,2005 6:26pm - shatteredliz ""]
Nate is "the dude from Leukorrhea."

Yeah, thanks for making the trek guys. You played a great set. And I couldn't believe it was 7:30 when I was stunling back home!
[Feb 5,2005 11:31pm - anonymous  ""]
burn my remains is fukin ossum everyone check them out on lowellrocks.com
[Feb 5,2005 11:37pm - the_reverend ""]
link to the "offical" discussion for this.

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