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super bored on a sat night

[Feb 5,2005 10:18pm - handinjury ""]
Yeah, super bored, drinking alone, surfing the net, wide awake,no shows tonight .........sigh
[Feb 5,2005 10:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
right there with yah!
[Feb 5,2005 10:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm watching on demand movies...
carina's already asleep...
I'm about to make some legos, but I'm working on RTTP code right now and watching random movies on Demand.
[Feb 5,2005 10:20pm - dyingmuse ""]
how about a party here guys?
[Feb 5,2005 10:22pm - BornSoVile ""]
ugh, my cable is down in my room so i get ondemand, i'll hafta call them tonight. i have no cds players either, going on a week with that, faackin blows.
[Feb 5,2005 10:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Brian, you should come to Newport, we can go play pool and drink and pick up hot chicks.
[Feb 5,2005 10:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I think you had a gf now?
[Feb 5,2005 10:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
dwyer, you're living the dream.
[Feb 5,2005 10:23pm - dyingmuse ""]
you guys pick up HOT chick....come on now....fuck that come here and drink! besides what do HOT chicks have that i dont

hot cocks lol
[Feb 5,2005 10:24pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought he was the living end...
I'm about to make some nachos.
carina bought some $$$$$$$ studio lighting and I want to play with it,
but she's passed out!
[Feb 5,2005 10:26pm - dyingmuse ""]
fuck the chicks tonight...rttp party!!!!!! guys and beer night!
[Feb 5,2005 10:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No, I am still single.

No rings on my fingers!

[Feb 5,2005 10:30pm - handinjury ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:No, I am still single.

No rings on my fingers!

Your not seeing that chicky anymore?
[Feb 5,2005 10:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
no rings no strings.
[Feb 5,2005 10:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That blonde chick from the SIN OF ANGELS show? Not really, we still talk and are friends and stuff but she is looking for a husband / father of her kids, fuck that!

Or Charlene? I still see her once in awhile too, no strings there either.
[Feb 5,2005 10:35pm - the_reverend ""]
charlene? ex-ascendancy?
kids? WTF is going on?
[Feb 5,2005 10:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dude, Charlene? I feel bad for her boyfriend.
[Feb 5,2005 10:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No, not her.

Screw this sausage party, I am off to the bar to play pool, drink and hit on hot broads!

Later dorks.
[Feb 5,2005 10:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
That is very unmetal of you.
[Feb 5,2005 10:42pm - the_reverend ""]
*rolls 10d2*
[Feb 5,2005 10:43pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will have a HELLHAMMER shirt on, so that IS very Metal!
[Feb 5,2005 10:48pm - the_reverend ""]
what ever gets you to sleep at night, dood
[Feb 5,2005 10:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
fuck man, i'd got to the bar too if i wasn't broke!
[Feb 5,2005 10:53pm - the_reverend ""]
damn, still need to make those nachos.
I need another drink too!
[Feb 5,2005 11:03pm - rachel  ""]
drr...i have an existentialism paper to write.
[Feb 5,2005 11:18pm - the_reverend ""]
carina just told me I was drunk.
I told her that I was just motivated.

just replaced a bunch of lights...
making nachos...
fed the fire...
and I'm going to set up my road bike!

and then, I'm going to make a lego thing!
[Feb 5,2005 11:21pm - anonymous  ""]
Thanks a lot John...
[Feb 5,2005 11:24pm - lysistrata32 ""]
You know thats bullshit John. Thanks a lot dude.
[Feb 5,2005 11:39pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 6,2005 12:16am - succubus ""]
no yer busted, i'm not passed out
[Feb 6,2005 12:17am - Abbath ""]
i just got home from work, and now drinking some brews, yup, i'm bored
[Feb 6,2005 12:29am - handinjury ""]
I just finished my last brew.
[Feb 6,2005 12:38am - KeithMutiny ""]
i got a fridge full... slowly dwindling away
[Feb 6,2005 12:45am - BestialOnslaught ""]
the_reverend said:busted.

Eleventy-billion pages! Errr... Wait, this isn't Relapse... 1 REEEEALLLLY long page!
[Feb 6,2005 1:28am - Abbath ""]
nninja passs outS!
[Feb 6,2005 3:33am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
lysistrata32 said:You know thats bullshit John. Thanks a lot dude.

I was just simplifying it!

I am not going to go into detail, that is basically how I see it.
[Feb 6,2005 4:29pm - lysistrata32 ""]
Why dont you say the REAL reason John. Most women wont date a 35 year old guy without a job, that lives at home and has little motivation. THATS the reason. Were not in high school anymore buddy
[Feb 6,2005 4:39pm - the_reverend ""]
if you were in highschool, male or female, joe not common would be stalking you and trying to murder you in a ritualistic way.
[Feb 6,2005 5:12pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have a job, I don't live at home and I have some motivation.

Ask all the people that see me at every show if I am motivated or not.

Whatever, you have your reasons and that's fine.

Good luck on Match.com

I am happy, I have a great life that is only getting better, I wouldn't trade my life for yours or anyone else's.
[Feb 6,2005 6:39pm - lysistrata32 ""]
Of course your life is great youve never had to work! You practically livefor free at 35 year old! Do you honestly think an adult woman would go fo that? Good luck wih the Tony Robbins motivational tapes.
[Feb 6,2005 8:32pm - succubus ""]
were you two dating or something?

well good luck to you both
[Feb 7,2005 7:57am - BestialOnslaught ""]

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