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Dear Cronos

[Feb 10,2005 9:57am - litacore ""]
I don't know why I didn't think of this before

I'm going to write to Cronos and ask him whatever became of the 'Deadline' sessions in '86. This was right before Mantas left.

Venom recorded a full fuckin' album that was never released. I've got crappy fifth generation fade-in/out samples of it on a live tape from that era. But the masters must exist somewhere (maybe in a landfill, maybe on Cronos' shelf).

anything else you guys want me to ask him?

if not me, do it yerself:
[Feb 10,2005 10:15am - litacore ""]
done. I don't know if I'll get a response, but it's better than sitting on my hands.
[Feb 10,2005 10:16am - paganmegan ""]
I'm surprised you haven't been sending him love letters all these years
[Feb 10,2005 10:23am - litacore ""]

Mykus (Mike Hickey, 'Calm Before the Storm', and Amott's replacement in Carcass) is from Massachusetts
[Feb 10,2005 11:05am - BestialOnslaught ""]
The funny thing is how many rumors Mike Hickey being from Mass spawned... I once heard that Mantas used to live in some kid's basement and smoke pot and play VENOM on guitar all day long... in Billerica. Hahaha
[Feb 10,2005 11:13am - litacore ""]
BestialOnslaught said:The funny thing is how many rumors Mike Hickey being from Mass spawned... I once heard that Mantas used to live in some kid's basement and smoke pot and play VENOM on guitar all day long... in Billerica. Hahaha


well, ya know, Memphis has its Graceland

Billerica's got the Mantas Pot basement!

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