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Folly, We.re All Broken, My Bitter End tonight

Northeastern University Afterhour Cafe (Boston, Ma) - [folly][my_bitter_end][were_all_broken]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Feb 16,2005 11:11am - succubus ""]
Folly, We.re All Broken, My Bitter End; 8pm;
FREE SHOW; all ages
AfterHours in the Curry Student Center, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

If you are going, please IM me..the reverend needs directions...and he won't be online
[Feb 16,2005 11:41am - succubus ""]
[Feb 16,2005 12:05pm - succubus ""]
...attn tboner!
[Feb 16,2005 12:05pm - tbone_r ""]
[Feb 16,2005 12:06pm - succubus ""]
lol, i saw you post before and i wanted to get your attn =)
[Feb 16,2005 6:46pm - succubus ""]
away he goes!
[Feb 16,2005 6:49pm - KeithMutiny ""]
isnt that right on huntington ave?
[Feb 16,2005 9:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm there now...
[Feb 16,2005 10:56pm - tbone_r ""]
no. it's not really on a street at all. it's in the area between huntington, forsyth and columbus
[Feb 16,2005 11:53pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
[Feb 17,2005 12:40am - the_reverend ""]
my bitter end: damn, I thought they had 2 singers before... looking back at my pictures, they didnt. they did get another singer and some other members. I think they sounded a lot better, but it could have been the fact that they sound system there was pretty damn good. they had a lot of different metalcore things together. it started off with something that sounded a bit like the daughters. Before they started, they playing some chords reminding me of psyopus.

we're all broken: tbone_r hit it on the head, post-hardcore. over all I liked it. the members sort of lost it a bunch while playing, getting really into the music. the singer had tons of equipment in front of himself that he was twisting and stuff to play with his mics (ala mike patton? not quite). he ofcourse had a choaspad, but there was also a theramin!

folly: thier sets was pretty awesome. I'm not sure about all the nerdy moshing... but live they are so much better than on cd. it was funny seeing a song with hard, breakdowns-ish that *click* changes to ska rhythems... well funny cause everyone in the audience goes from throwing fists to "skanking". tboner would have to scramble out of the way as to not get skanked on.
[Feb 17,2005 12:18pm - tbone_r ""]
ahah if there's one thing i hate....it's a dirty skank
[Feb 17,2005 12:24pm - the_reverend ""]
thank you again.
[Feb 17,2005 12:25pm - tbone_r ""]
np man
[Sep 26,2005 2:12pm - bonfuckingjovi  ""]
I drove down from Vermont for this show. All for Folly, there aswome dudes, all the bands rocked. The palce was aswome. I sadly got food posioning from McDonlads on the way back. But it was well worth it

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