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RAOV this Friday at Roman's

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Feb 17,2005 9:56am - succubus ""]
02/18/2005 09:00 PM - ROMAN'S
Permanent (VA)
Recon (NY)
Random Acts of Violence

i didn't see it on the events page or listed here...weird since a couple of the boys post on here..

[Feb 17,2005 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
I thought it was on the events page... I read it on my show last week
[Feb 17,2005 10:03am - succubus ""]
ok so i guess i'm a little blind
[Feb 17,2005 10:09am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I think I put it up there. Unless I'm retarded.

Which I think I am.
[Feb 17,2005 10:09am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Yeah, its there. You had me thinking I was all slow and shit.
[Feb 17,2005 10:11am - succubus ""]
WhyamIandasshole said:Yeah, its there. You had me thinking I was all slow and shit.

but i said i was blind!

[Feb 17,2005 12:41pm - tbone_r ""]
i'm gonna try my hardest to go to this...i really wanna see raov
[Feb 17,2005 2:46pm - Hooker ""]
If anyone goes to this, hit me up for a beer.
[Feb 17,2005 2:47pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I'm going.
[Feb 17,2005 2:58pm - Hooker ""]
You don't count.
[Feb 17,2005 3:00pm - succubus ""]
i don\'t drink beer...
[Feb 17,2005 3:17pm - Hooker ""]
I'll get you a glass of wine or a fruity drink.
[Feb 17,2005 3:24pm - jake  ""]
raov is 100% excellent live. pls cover slayer and or metallica.
[Feb 17,2005 3:29pm - Hooker ""]
We'll pull something out. You going?
[Feb 17,2005 4:18pm - jake  ""]
most definately.
[Feb 17,2005 4:25pm - Hooker ""]
Hit me up for a brew.
[Feb 17,2005 4:35pm - tbone_r ""]
jake, im gonna come home for this, i'll call you tomorrow.
[Feb 17,2005 4:45pm - Hooker ""]
Hit me up for a brew as well.
[Feb 17,2005 5:08pm - jake  ""]
haha i dont drink but tbone_r can have mine.
[Feb 17,2005 5:09pm - Hooker ""]
[Feb 17,2005 6:30pm - tbone_r ""]
haha i dont drink beer, but i can steal a roomies if he has any lying around. on the other hand, i do have some captains sitting beside me
[Feb 17,2005 7:25pm - Hooker ""]
let's do shots. see you there.
[Feb 18,2005 9:54am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Whats all this bribeing people with booze to come to shows.
[Feb 18,2005 10:01am - timma nli  ""]
clever marketing, thats what.
[Feb 18,2005 10:08am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Cant argue with you there.
[Feb 18,2005 10:27am - Hooker ""]
Do you ever shut up?
[Feb 18,2005 10:34am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Do you ever stop doing dudes?
[Feb 18,2005 10:38am - Hooker ""]
There have been dry spells here and there.
[Feb 18,2005 3:01pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
But not many
[Feb 18,2005 4:14pm - tbone_r ""]
he asked us for booze. that's not really bribing. perhaps if he offered us some...
[Feb 18,2005 4:15pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I thought thats what he was doing. No?
[Feb 18,2005 4:17pm - tbone_r ""]
ooooooo, wait a minute. when he said 'hit me up for a brew' i thought he meant 'buy me a brew'....my bad.

im going regardless
[Feb 18,2005 4:27pm - Hooker ""]
How about this instead.... instead of me shelling out some beers to people who take the time to come out and see us, everyone, especially my bandmates can line up and I'll shoot them with a dogshit cannon?
[Feb 18,2005 4:30pm - tbone_r ""]
[Feb 18,2005 4:31pm - Hooker ""]
Niiice. I've been waiting forever to try this thing out.

Hit me up for a beer.
[Feb 19,2005 1:31am - XmikeX ""]
RAOV rocked my ass tonight at Romans. fun times.
[Feb 19,2005 11:25pm - WhyamIandasshole in NYC  ""]
Consider your ass rocked.
[Feb 20,2005 2:19am - tbone_r ""]
sorry i didnt go. it was my friends bday

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