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Mar. 19th @ Lucky Dog in Worcester: Adolf Satan/Defcon 4/Penguin Attack/Concrete Facelift/Red Army

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Feb 22,2005 2:58pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Our St. Paddy's day show got moved to the Lucky Dog Music Hall.
Sat. March 19th.
8pm $5.00 21+

Adolf Satan
Defcon 4
Penguin Attack
Concrete Facelift
Red Army
[Feb 22,2005 3:00pm - KeithMutiny ""]
damn, i would go, but i dont get along with one band on there, and i dont feel like gettin into a fist fight... well, maybe i will by then.
[Feb 22,2005 3:05pm - Josh_Martin ""]
What band?
[Feb 22,2005 3:06pm - KeithMutiny ""]
concrete facelift, one of em likes to run thier mouth... and hope i never hear it.
[Feb 22,2005 3:11pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Fuck 'em. Either ignore it or smash a bottle over his head. Don't let it keep you from going where you want to go.

[Feb 22,2005 3:13pm - KeithMutiny ""]
oh, by then ill prolly go anyway, i dont care, drink and fight, sounds good
[Feb 22,2005 3:14pm - Josh_Martin ""]

[Feb 22,2005 4:43pm - norwellbob ""]
Red Army... we played with them once... they cleared the room even faster than the Gunmen usually do.
[Feb 22,2005 4:46pm - KeithMutiny ""]
norwellbob said:Red Army... we played with them once... they cleared the room even faster than the Gunmen usually do.

the last time i went too see you guys i got there after you played... then stayed for them... for some horrid reason... least for like 2 songs
[Feb 22,2005 4:58pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
im very suprised eric booked this show. i'll probably go for the fuck of it. keith and jeff should drink beer together and forget about the drama.
[Feb 22,2005 5:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Josh_hates_you said:im very suprised eric booked this show. i'll probably go for the fuck of it. keith and jeff should drink beer together and forget about the drama.

dont see that happening
[Mar 11,2005 7:55am - Josh_Martin ""]
Next Saturday!

Hey Mark or Brad, does Nick know about this show? Can you tell him to call me please?
[Mar 18,2005 4:58pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Tomorrow. I hope I can find a ride there.
[Mar 19,2005 5:48pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i have nothing better to do tonight from the looks of it. i may go. or not.
[Mar 19,2005 8:43pm - Scoracrasia ""]
fuck it, I will be there. No I won't, I am still on Cape Cod and it is 8:51pm. I'm late. blow me.
[Mar 20,2005 10:24am - Bradness ""]
did this show happen for Adolf?
[Mar 20,2005 4:39pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
red army - sucks. the old half naked guy was amusing. but this band is terrible.

concrete facelift - no show

Defcon 4- the main reason i went to the show. they where awseome as usual. They did not look like they wanted to be there and played a super short set. shouls have played longer.

adaolf satan - i enjoyed most of the music. every now and again larry's vocals did not completely suck. defcon 4 really enjoyed them

penguin attack - most of the crwod was there for them. after drinking 3 pitchers i did not care to stay while they setup so i left.

[Mar 21,2005 9:18am - Josh_Martin ""]
I don't think Defcon 4 has ever played for longer than 20 minutes.

The gay at the door yelled at me for playing too loud and hurting his ears. I just laughed at him.

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