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silliest goddamn CD cover so far this year

[Feb 23,2005 9:32am - litacore ""]

On Southern Lord. This is going to have Plastic Sex Dummy Defense Leagues clamouring to contact their representatives. Really good black metal, though. Just technical enough to keep me interested.
[Feb 23,2005 9:33am - paganmegan ""]
hahahahahaha that is hillarious
[Feb 23,2005 9:34am - armageddonday ""]
can't wait to get this....this week.
[Feb 23,2005 9:44am - litacore ""]
it's a good CD. At first I was hesitant but when Southern Lord licenses black metal for US distribution, it's usually pretty good
[Feb 23,2005 9:49am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have the original CD release, it is killer!
[Feb 23,2005 9:50am - RustedAngel ""]
that's black metal for ya.
[Feb 23,2005 9:51am - Abbath ""]
what the fuck is he wearing on his head!?
[Feb 23,2005 9:52am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
And by silly you mean, AWESOME!
[Feb 23,2005 10:00am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
That guy is Enzifer, he wears some kind of headgear that makes him look like Pinhead.
[Feb 23,2005 10:52am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
name of cd should be "Look How Scary we are with Fake Blood and my Little Sister Posing for us (yes Mom I know I'm 30 I'll try to move out of the basment this year)"
[Feb 23,2005 11:05am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My CD says 2003, it is just getting a US release now?
[Feb 23,2005 11:11am - litacore ""]
I guess. I wonder if Greg Anderson only got into Black Metal because of Runhild Gammelsäeter. Maybe.

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