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get rid of spyware

[Jun 25,2003 1:40am - the_reverend ""]
a few weeks I accidentally installed a thing called whazit bar.
my browsers been fucked since then.
install adware to fix it and it'll scan your computer for spyware
[Jun 25,2003 6:42am - RustedAngel ""]
been using adaware for a while now... works well, I think.
[Jun 25,2003 7:25am - Maggot ""]
If you downloaded anything from a company, then you should use AD-aware. Amazing how much junk was on my computer.
[Jun 25,2003 7:27am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I've been using ad ware for a while now, but I guess I didn't upgrade it so it was missing a lot of things.

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