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attn: beesky beesk

[Feb 24,2005 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
hey lurker... lurk my way.
aim me or something.
[Feb 24,2005 12:40pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 24,2005 12:50pm - Aegathis ""]
Wow you actually talk to people on aim rev?:shocked:
[Feb 24,2005 12:53pm - the_reverend ""]
Session Start (BachogreCtron:PsyComa129): Wed Feb 23 23:44:57 2005
[02/23/2005-23:44:57] PsyComa129: dude
[02/23/2005-23:45:59] BachogreCtron: yes?
[02/23/2005-23:46:26] PsyComa129: you got to see divinity destroyed early last year with beyond the flesh
[02/23/2005-23:46:31] PsyComa129: what did you think of them
[02/23/2005-23:47:07] BachogreCtron: um... I don't know... where? oh, new bedford?
[02/23/2005-23:47:14] PsyComa129: yea
[02/23/2005-23:47:34] PsyComa129: of coarse that woulda been several hundred bands ago for you, haha
[02/23/2005-23:48:04] BachogreCtron: I'm guessing it was about 1000 bands ago
[02/23/2005-23:48:20] PsyComa129: yep
[02/23/2005-23:48:32] PsyComa129: im just hearing them for the 1st time now
[02/23/2005-23:48:39] PsyComa129: Im lovin it
Session Close (PsyComa129): Thu Feb 24 08:39:17 2005
[Feb 24,2005 12:55pm - succubus ""]
i know that IM!
[Feb 24,2005 12:57pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Feb 25,2005 2:50am - the_reverend ""]
way to lurk dickhole
[Feb 25,2005 2:53am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Whenever I see Beesky Beesk I think of Saskatoon
[Feb 25,2005 8:13am - Beesky_Beesk ""]
Heeeey Rev!
Ive beeen in Canada lurking around all the montreal peep shows, so i havent been around, but ill send ya a message. my aim is xxtimmybullsxx

and dont forget to poop

[Feb 25,2005 8:17am - succubus ""]
damn .. he JUST left for work!

If you go to Wanda's, tell Caprice I said hello.

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