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Movie: the jacket

[Feb 25,2005 9:39am - succubus ""]
just saw the preview on tv

looks interesting..
opens march 5th
[Feb 25,2005 10:00am - dirtycrayon  ""]
more info please

[Feb 25,2005 11:22am - succubus ""]
saw the preview again...i think they said march 4th

i really wanna see it
adrian brody is in it and he dies...but you see him trying to find out stuff while he's dead...let me look it up..
[Feb 25,2005 11:24am - succubus ""]
Drama, Romance, Thriller and Crime/Gangster
1 hr. 42 min. A military veteran returns to his native Vermont suffering from bouts of amnesia. When he is accused of murder and lands in an asylum, a well-meaning doctor puts him on a heavy course of experimental drugs, restrains him in a jacket-like device, and locks him away in a body drawer of the basement morgue. The process sends him on a journey into the future, where he can foresee his death (but not who did it or how) in four days' time. Now the only question that matters is: can the woman he meets in the future save him?
[Feb 25,2005 4:46pm - anonymous  ""]
the preview looked great. I'm excited for it.
[Feb 25,2005 4:59pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
For a ghost story type movie it looks surprisingly not gay.
[Feb 25,2005 6:08pm - dugoxistance  ""]
how does that sound like a ghost story type movie? it seems more of a reverse butterfly effect type movie.
[Feb 27,2005 1:19am - timMa ""]
i just saw the preview on tv. looks pretty interesting....moreso because most movies out right now SUCK.

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