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I dug out my old laptop

[Feb 25,2005 12:10pm - litacore ""]

to start writing horror fiction again

Macintosh Powerbook Duo 210, I'm running a System Info check
it's a Mototrola 68030 25 mhz processor, HAHAHA!

I wonder when this thing's going to actually die. I better keep backing up to the FLOPPY!
[Feb 25,2005 12:13pm - powerkok ""]
commodore 64 anyone?
[Feb 25,2005 12:14pm - litacore ""]
[Feb 25,2005 1:59pm - powerkok ""]
obscure reference!
[Feb 25,2005 2:07pm - the_reverend ""]
HA! I have a busted one of those at my place.
[Feb 26,2005 2:26am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
litacore said:colecovision

my friend has a working one
[Feb 26,2005 4:15am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
25 mhz processor?, Does it run on a 9 Volt battery?
[Feb 26,2005 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
25Mhz back then... you needed a huge power source for...
their waffer size on that was so huge!

I just read about a kid that got osx 10.3 working on a 25Mhz machine

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