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New pray for a plague songs!!!!!!!

[Feb 26,2005 6:06pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
http://www.myspace.com/prayforaplague no vocals though...........
[Feb 26,2005 10:52pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
don't offer any witty comments or anything...actually don't say anything at all..... bitch
[Feb 26,2005 11:53pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
witty comments
anything at all
[Feb 26,2005 11:57pm - sxealex ""]
i think there could be more blast beats ha ha ha :quasi british accent stretch roof of mouth:
[Feb 26,2005 11:58pm - sxealex ""]
play the fast one :hangs self:
[Feb 27,2005 4:14am - grundlegremlin ""]
I want to play guitar in pfap.......badly!
[Feb 27,2005 4:35am - grundlegremlin ""]
[Feb 27,2005 11:16am - milkydeathgrind ""]
they're still new.....but gaining mileage
[Feb 27,2005 12:27pm - silky ""]
grundlegremlin said:I want to play guitar in pfap.......badly!

we need a second guitar player... badly... and a singer.

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