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This game looks like it's going to put Call of Duty to shame

[Mar 2,2005 9:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

more videos here...
[Mar 2,2005 10:13pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
that shit is crazy, i need that !
[Mar 2,2005 10:45pm - Abraxas ""]
Fuck yeah, I've been watching this game for a while now.
[Mar 3,2005 10:09am - Hung_To_Bleed ""]
it couldn't possibly be better than socom II
[Mar 3,2005 10:28am - dreaminginexile ""]
it's ALL ABOUT CounterStrike:Source!
[Mar 3,2005 10:30am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I've never played socom II. It's not on PC is it?

I can't get into CS or CS:source. boo!
[Mar 3,2005 11:21am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Call of Duty 2 is previewed in this month's PC Gamer, massive tank battles in miles of the North African desert looks fucking sweet.

I really hate CS and CS:Source, not so much the games as the fags who bitch about everything and can't accept the fact that they suck at CS
"Ohh so many people are using AWP's! That's why I just got killed, that's why my team has lost three straight rounds. ADMIN PLZ BAN AWPS!"
[Mar 3,2005 12:15pm - anonymous  ""]
dreaminginexile said:it's ALL ABOUT CounterStrike:Source!

hell yeah :gun:

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