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Cephalic Carnage video

[Mar 4,2005 7:57am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha http://xdoanex.com/xdoanex15.html
[Mar 4,2005 10:47am - dugoxistance  ""]
that video actually wasn't half bad. compared to some other songs on that CD I think it's pretty good.
[Mar 4,2005 11:09am - jake  ""]
if that song is one of the better ones on the cd, i shed a tear for this band. i heard between the buried and me the whole time i was watching that video. BOO.
[Mar 4,2005 11:20am - dugoxistance  ""]
eh. I kinda like some BtB&M so I guess my opinion must suck.
[Mar 4,2005 11:21am - thegreatspaldino ""]
this album is totally a joke, obviously.
[Mar 4,2005 11:26am - cdan ""]
that song is hilarious, but if the whole album is a joke that's fucking dumb.
[Mar 4,2005 11:27am - thegreatspaldino ""]
i heard something about them hating relapse... so put 2 and 2 together...
[Mar 4,2005 11:35am - cdan ""]
haha, well that makes more sense. i just hope they dont play that shit live.
[Mar 4,2005 11:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i know its a joke song, but its stupid its their 'hit single'

it would have been better suited as a hidden song or something
[Mar 4,2005 11:45am - RustedAngel ""]
the album is good, i've been listening to it a lot.

jokes or not.
[Mar 4,2005 12:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
It's a joke video
[Mar 4,2005 1:08pm - dugoxistance  ""]
this seems like a whole lot of effort to put into just a joke video/CD. If that was the case I'd perhaps focus my energy into something I was serious about. But hey, that's just me.
[Mar 4,2005 1:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
some bands have a sense of humor I guess.
[Mar 4,2005 1:34pm - gorgish  ""]
it's their last album that they're obligated to put out on relapse. they're finishing up the halls of amenti series on willowtip.
[Mar 4,2005 3:46pm - blue ""]
i like this album a bunch, but it is completely silly to make a video for it. 15 year olds will see it and be like 'OMG!!!! they sound like killswitch!!!!'
[Mar 4,2005 3:48pm - RustedAngel ""]
blue said: 15 year olds will see it and be like 'OMG!!!! they sound like killswitch!!!!'

that's the best part...great marketing ploy by cephalic.

[Mar 4,2005 3:53pm - blue ""]
yeah, i know.
[Mar 4,2005 4:22pm - -3  ""]
The albul for the most part sounds like normal cephaic except for that song and the last one (the last one is really good..and that song is ok as a joke song) The rest of the album is normal cephalic style deathmetal/grindcore technical with some doom/rock riffs. Good album, but yea that video sucks and that sond isnt the best.
[Mar 4,2005 5:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the best song is the one with the guy from macabre singing on it

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