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old, dirge-y Swans

[Mar 7,2005 12:43pm - litacore ""]
I took all my old live Swans CDs, put them to repeat play in my CD carousel, and fell asleep to them Saturday night

and now all I can hear is repeated clangs and minimalism everywhere. I want to sulk and brood and creep along the streets like Gollum.

80's-era Swans make Khanate sound like Wham>:]
[Mar 7,2005 12:45pm - paganmegan ""]
I need to check out the swans

[Mar 7,2005 12:47pm - litacore ""]
not sure you'd like it, but it's so fucking DARK, it's like listening to a black ritual

you may hear the Type-O similarities, Gira's voice is super deep like Pete's
[Mar 7,2005 12:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Awesome I was just listening to Swans
[Mar 7,2005 1:01pm - litacore ""]
Cut off the arms
Cut off the legs
Cut off the head
Get rid of the body

Heartache to heartache

[Mar 7,2005 5:49pm - dunwich nli  ""]
The only album that I own is Public Castration Is A Good Idea which is interesting but definately an aquired taste and nothing I could listen to all the time. I borrowed a tape from a friend of mine (I think it's Children of God?) which sounded ok from the few times I heard it...totally different from PCIAGI though.
[Mar 8,2005 9:57am - anonymous  ""]
Boring/ boring/.........
[Mar 8,2005 10:41am - Phil E  ""]
I think FEEL GOOD NOW is a great live set, from the best era.
[Mar 16,2005 12:37pm - litacore ""]
I played my bass really loud last night for the first time in like a year, I was trying to emulate 'Cop'

that was fun. Just pure aggression and open strings. Notes, sch-motes
[Mar 16,2005 2:29pm - BobDead  ""]
I got to see The Swans on the "Children of God tour" back in the day..and it was unbelievably crushing....nobody has gotten close to their sonic brutality.

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