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Happy birthday Carina!

[Mar 9,2005 12:10am - ArmageddAnne ""]
Lova ya
[Mar 9,2005 12:22am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 9,2005 12:31am - dreadkill ""]
happy barfday!
[Mar 9,2005 12:33am - JonahBloodbath ""]
happy birthday?!
[Mar 9,2005 6:08am - lady_czerach ""]
C'est ton anniversaire egalement, Anne, non?
Alors, Joyeux Anniversaire to both of you!! <333
[Mar 9,2005 7:17am - subjugate ""]
you say it's your birfday
well happy birfday to ya

happy birthday kiddo
[Mar 9,2005 7:33am - the_reverend ""]
I'd hit it... again...
[Mar 9,2005 8:33am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
WOO HOO! happy birthday you cute little pisces!
[Mar 9,2005 8:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
happy birthday carina, i bought you some steaks
[Mar 9,2005 8:37am - RustedAngel ""]

I wish I had some cake, here's some from 1 year ago:
[Mar 9,2005 9:05am - Abbath ""]
happy birthday car, hope rev gives ya some sweet birthday spankings
[Mar 9,2005 9:07am - litacore ""]
wowza, you and anne BOTH?

happy birthday! yayyy!
[Mar 9,2005 9:20am - sinistas ""]
Happy birthday!
[Mar 9,2005 9:21am - paganmegan ""]
Happy Birthday Carina!
[Mar 9,2005 9:39am - the_reverend ""]
later on today, she's going to have to make the painful decision where she wants to go get bday drunk.
[Mar 9,2005 9:46am - dreaminginexile ""]
the_reverend said:later on today, she's going to have to make the painful decision where she wants to go get bday drunk.

SHE MUST!!!! everyone needs to get drunk on their birthday! and every other day for that matter! :whipper:
[Mar 9,2005 9:47am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Carina Carina
There's no body cleanah
she washes and maintains
she got lots of brains
she rocks without socks
and take picture alots
she is ne'er mean
and is actually quite pristine (in a good way)
what a cool chica
you really should meet-a
Carina Carina

I just wrote that poem

you rock, I'm glad I know you madamoiselle. -Nicholas
[Mar 9,2005 10:30am - anonymous  ""]
thanks everyone!
you guys rule!
i\'m at my new job and even got a bday card!!

even a poem in this thread..whoah..

i think i\'m going to the mall at lunch and spoil myself with a gift..
[Mar 9,2005 10:30am - anonymous  ""]
that was me
[Mar 9,2005 10:32am - swamplorddvm ""]
Happy day of you falling out of your mom's vagina day, to you too, Carina!!!
[Mar 9,2005 10:33am - anonymous  ""]
oh and thanks for the thread anne!
aaron was wishing me a happy bday when you made it ;)
he was going to make me one this morning and then he saw this and told me you had already <3
[Mar 9,2005 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
"wishing" more like.. er.. well.. nevermind.
[Mar 9,2005 10:38am - anonymous  ""]
that\'s why i winked

anyhow, it\'s too bad tim doesn\'t work at margarita\'s anymore..

what places (restaurants) give you free stuff for your bday?
anyone know?
[Mar 9,2005 10:43am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
when I was little we'd go to Chadwicks and they have this big, like...contraption they fire up and bang this drum when you have a birthday. It's not free food, but they make a big hoo ha fiesta out of the event

remember when bart simpson got free dance lessons, ice cream, etc for his birthday with all those coupons? that's the life!
[Mar 9,2005 10:43am - ArmageddAnne ""]
It's tough not to remember eh? I'm going out for lunch by myself...great. But I'll have a bloody mary please..
[Mar 9,2005 11:39am - dyingmuse ""]
yayeee...happy b-day carina!!!!!

you fucking rock!!!

[Mar 9,2005 11:58am - blue nli  ""]
HAPPY BERFDAY SWEETPEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 9,2005 12:02pm - Kalopsia ""]
happy birthday hun
[Mar 9,2005 12:43pm - anonymous  ""]
thank you

i just came back from buying myself a gift
my new coworker came with me too
[Mar 9,2005 1:32pm - Christraper ""]
happy birthday
[Mar 9,2005 2:21pm - moe_rk ""]
Happy Berfday, Girl
[Mar 9,2005 3:22pm - BornSoVile ""]
joyeux anniversaire mon cher
[Mar 9,2005 3:28pm - Hooker ""]
Cheers, paisan.
[Mar 9,2005 5:11pm - succubus ""]
merci and grazie friends!
i don't feel any older thank god!
[Mar 9,2005 5:47pm - phantos ""]
Cheers Carina!
[Mar 10,2005 7:18am - succubus ""]
we went out after work
ate, drank, got my prsent and he even ordered a bday cake!

then he took me to see the jacket

we brang my bday in and out the same way =)
[Mar 10,2005 7:37am - Sexy Muffin  ""]
Happy late Birthday......you Lucious Peach!
[Mar 10,2005 7:38am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
"Brang" is not a word! It's brought.

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