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my bday movie: the jacket

[Mar 10,2005 7:23am - succubus ""]
so we went last night, i think i liked it more than the rev..

i loved the way it was filmed

amazing actors and acting

i esp love it when a movie is filmed where i've lived, visited, etc.

music = awesome

i heard a lot of people say it sucked, but i really enjoyed it!

cool story minus the kiddie porn

last time i picked a movie with kiddie porn (nicole kidman and a little boy) and this time ..well you gotta see the movie but it's a little girl and an older man..
[Mar 10,2005 8:36am - the_reverend ""]
yeah.. the stil of cinematography is called "zoom in on their crooked teeth alot"
[Mar 10,2005 10:49am - anonymous  ""]
har har
[Mar 10,2005 8:50pm - succubus ""]
no one else?>
[Mar 10,2005 9:10pm - abbath ""]
this movie was amazing, i still can't get over how much of a mind fuck it was, very original GO SEE IT PEPS! you will not be sorry
[Mar 10,2005 9:11pm - succubus ""]
i agree!
[Mar 10,2005 10:52pm - the_reverend ""]
it was good.. but I liked it better as jacobs ladder.
[Mar 10,2005 11:02pm - GoatCatalyst  ""]
jacob's ladder was a great movie. first time i saw it, i was so stoned that i kept putting myself in the movie, it was fucking uncomfortable and i had to force myself to sleep. anybody seen battle royale yet?
[Jul 26,2007 8:12pm - succubus ""]
although i have it on DVD it's on TV and of course i'm watching it
[Jul 26,2007 8:20pm - boine ""]
battle royal was a great book
[Jul 26,2007 11:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the_reverend said:it was good.. but I liked it better as jacobs ladder.

wow i never made the connection. liked em both... although the Jacket kept my attention more so than Jacobs Ladder.

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