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People are fucking DUMB!

[Mar 10,2005 9:10am - Scoracrasia ""]
Man Dead On Futon For Nearly 10 Years Before Family Notices
Father Found Lying Dead On Futon

POSTED: 2:52 pm EST March 9, 2005

TOKYO -- A Japanese man and his two sisters were worried something might be wrong with dad. And they were right.

The old man had been dead for nearly a decade. Police questioned the three elderly siblings Tuesday, after the decomposing body of their father was found lying on a futon bed in the family's home.

Police said the man's children thought he was still alive, but became worried lately and consulted a relative. Police said judging by the condition of the remains, the father could have died as long as 10 years ago.
[Mar 10,2005 9:12am - Christraper ""]
so....they didnt wonder why he hadnt moved or spoken or taken a shit after the first year? Or why he smelled so fucking bad?
[Mar 10,2005 9:15am - Scoracrasia ""]
I wonder if they celebrated his birthday and wondered why he wouldn't blow out the candles?
[Mar 10,2005 9:16am - Christraper ""]
"Oh daddy what a lovely shade of green you are today! And i just love that rigor mortis!"
[Mar 10,2005 9:29am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I don't believe it. I PROCLAIM FALSEITUDE!
[Mar 10,2005 9:30am - Christraper owes me a drink  ""]
Dead 10yrs, in the family home…..come on…gotta be kidding me!!!
[Mar 10,2005 9:40am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Mar 10,2005 9:44am - Scoracrasia ""]
trying to find the link again. i think it was the herald and they got from the AP.
[Mar 10,2005 9:44am - nate ""]
the link: http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/4269088/detail.html
[Mar 10,2005 9:44am - paganmegan ""]
That story has to be fake
Even if you are old and senile dead people have a distinct perfume, they would know
[Mar 10,2005 9:49am - Scoracrasia ""]
Thanks Nate.
[Mar 10,2005 9:52am - Kalopsia ""]
it's false. to be rotting for 10 years, neighbors would have smelled it and called the authorities. it can't be true
[Mar 10,2005 10:36am - Christraper ""]
i agree. have you ever gone grave digging? dead people fucking stink!
[Mar 10,2005 10:41am - dreadkill ""]
Scoracrasia said:I wonder if they celebrated his birthday and wondered why he wouldn't blow out the candles?

that's hilarious
[Mar 11,2005 4:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Christraper said:i agree. have you ever gone grave digging?

Dan from ANOXIA has!

[Mar 11,2005 5:40am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha the story's worded really poorly, with hiiiii-larious results.
[Mar 11,2005 7:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
wouldn't it be LAYING on the futon? Obviously fake.
[Mar 11,2005 9:26am - Abbath ""]
how can you one be living with their dad and not see him for 10 years and think everything is alright!? what mo tards
[Mar 11,2005 9:39am - Robdeadskin ""]
mabye they thought he was just really sleepy.....
[Mar 11,2005 9:41am - Robdeadskin ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Christraper said:i agree. have you ever gone grave digging?

Dan from ANOXIA has!


hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....thats funny cuz its true
[Mar 11,2005 9:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
maybe they couldn't see him cuz of their slanty eyes
[Mar 11,2005 9:41am - Robdeadskin ""]
[Mar 11,2005 10:05am - Hung_To_Bleed ""]
you gotta figure that its impossible, after 24hours im sure riggamortis had fully set in, not to mention im sure the decomposing process doesn't take that long if he hasn't been drained and preserved
[Mar 11,2005 3:50pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
It didn't say they lived together anywhere in the article.

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