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Theraflu is gross

[Mar 13,2005 10:57am - succubus ""]
ok so we hear it was good
and we got some yesterday
since we're both sick..i just boiled the water and man
soooooooooooooo gross
neither of us could drink it

so we're sick

[Mar 13,2005 11:22am - handinjury ""]
No way, I love theraflu!!!! That shits the bomb. the lemon flavor is the worst. Try putting honey in it or some suger. I drink that stuff straight now.
[Mar 13,2005 11:28am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I hate that shit. It tastes like hot puke.
[Mar 13,2005 11:28am - succubus ""]
ok it's the lemon one we got...aaron said he couldn't drink it or he was gonna barf...
i had 2 sips and couldn't drink anymore..
let me try with honey...good idea...

i tried OJ but that did NOT help
[Mar 13,2005 11:28am - DEATH2ALL ""]
Take some Adderal. It works
[Mar 13,2005 11:31am - succubus ""]
ok the taste it still gross dammit
oh well i tried and thanks for the idea!
[Mar 13,2005 11:33am - succubus ""]
DEATH2ALL said:Take some Adderal. It works

i don't know what that is and i asked the rev too..no clue.
[Mar 13,2005 11:49am - Mary ""]
Omg.. when I was sick back in Dec, Brad bought me Theraflu. He said that it worked good. It didn't do shit for me, and yes, it tasted like total ass. I'll stick with my Sudafed, thank you.

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