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Last Night at AS220...Noosebomb, CWAF, etc.

[Mar 13,2005 5:00pm - Skullet ""]
Good time, thanks again to Anne. Pretty good turnout considering the shitty weather.

SIN OF ANGELS was awesome, slow to mid-tempo doomy shit and boy were they fucking loud. 2 full stacks and an Ampeg 8x10 bass cab in AS220 is ridiculous but it sounded monsterous. Had trouble hearing the singer but they still killed. I think they have some kind of self-released CD coming out soon, definitely get it if you can.

CWAF was sick as usual with their unique brand of.....well not sure just what to classify them as but I'll say progressive grind sludge. They played a few songs I didnt recognize and sounded better than ever. And they looked mighty sexy in those police uniforms.

THE BODY- 2 guys and a whole lot of amps. Just a guitarist that sings and a drummer. They play painful slow shit with some samples mixed in and had a fucked up movie playing up on the projection screen that I wish I could have seen in its entirety. Just when I thought my ears had stopped bleeding from S.O.A., this band comes on and is twice as loud. In all my years playing in clubs, this was the only band I have ever seen that literally shook the fucking floor. I honestly thought the roof would cave in or something when they were on, the wall of sound this dude had was absolutely ridiculous. Fuck. Cant wait to see them again.

hope you all had fun at the after party. Lets hear some nitty-gritty

skullet, out.
[Mar 13,2005 5:14pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
The party -again- was out of fucking control! I passed out it was day light. Garry kept calling me "crazy person" all night..coming from Garry it's kinda scary. I know I gave a love talk to Jeff about Disrupt. There was a lot of hugging, kissing, drinking, singing, dancing on the Pogues (again), yelling. I called Rick in the middle of the night, I totally thought he was coming :(
Don't remember much, I don't think Jeff fell, but he did pass out, he left this morning but I was still in bed.
[Mar 13,2005 5:58pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I wish I would have made it down, but I slept in all day after the MOTORHEAD debacle.
[Mar 13,2005 6:21pm - anonymous  ""]
thanks anne for letting me crash last night. good time, good bands, a very heavy night. hurting today, thanks to everyone who came out to the show.
[Mar 13,2005 6:53pm - phobia ""]
ArmageddAnne said:The party -again- was out of fucking control! I passed out it was day light. Garry kept calling me "crazy person" all night..coming from Garry it's kinda scary.

anne, gary was calling you 'crazy lady' because:

1. you tried to rip the dreads right out of mark from nefarious' head.
2. the second you got home you resembled a rabid coyote and started screaming and yelling at people... we thought you were going to maul one of us- even though you had good reason
3. gary thought calling you crazy was funny, as did i.
4. gary likes to try and make mad so you'll kill him

and it was a good night.
[Mar 13,2005 7:04pm - pisscup ""]
5. You're crazy
[Mar 13,2005 7:05pm - phobia ""]
i wasnt going to mention that one.
[Mar 13,2005 7:40pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
2. was vaild, this is a warning to whoever comes at our house for a party, if anybody leave both doors open again. I kill them, skin them use the skin for leather pants, cut up the meat and make a stew out of it, give the bones to Shiva and Bobo.
The reason: Sacrifice, our house cat.
That's good enough.
[Mar 13,2005 7:42pm - phobia ""]
i suggest you put up a billboard sized sign about that for the riistetyt show.
[Mar 13,2005 8:11pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
Did you check their website? I think I'm going to turn into a JagerBomb that night...
[Mar 13,2005 9:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i saw you throwback one of those before i left !
[Mar 13,2005 9:11pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
last night was fucking Great... All the bands were Fucking awsome ...I'm just getting outta my drunkin stuper.....thanks again Anne for a great time
[Mar 14,2005 10:55am - ArmageddAnne ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:i saw you throwback one of those before i left !

No I didn't.
[Mar 14,2005 12:12pm - jake  ""]
does sin of angels have mp3's online?
[Mar 14,2005 3:33pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
we should have a new MP3 Tonight from our upcoming Ep "EUCHARIST" Stay tuned

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