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Can someone with a better computer confirm this for me?

[Mar 14,2005 10:36am - Christraper ""]
I heard a vicious rumor that King Diamond might have died from a brain hemmorhage. If someone can confirm or deny this rumor before i shit my pants itd be greatly appreciated.
[Mar 14,2005 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
there's already a thread about this dingle berry.
[Mar 14,2005 10:39am - Hooker ""]
[Mar 14,2005 10:41am - Christraper ""]
the_reverend said:there's already a thread about this dingle berry.

well is it true??? im not on the computer during the weekends so excuse me if im not up to speed on the message board posts.
[Mar 14,2005 10:42am - the_reverend ""]
does not compute...

if you aren't on a computer... um.. what are you doing?
[Mar 14,2005 10:43am - dreaminginexile ""]
lol, Rev said dingle berry! yeah, we talked about it last night too, it's a bullshit rumor. it would have been on Blabbermouth.net if it were true
[Mar 14,2005 10:44am - RustedAngel ""]
dreaminginexile said:lol, Rev said dingle berry! yeah, we talked about it last night too, it's a bullshit rumor. it would have been on Blabbermouth.net if it were true

actually blabbermouth is known to post rumors as well.
[Mar 14,2005 10:44am - Hooker ""]
This rumor has ruined my life. I quit.
[Mar 14,2005 10:47am - paganmegan ""]
I'm sure it is naught but stanky bullshit.
[Mar 14,2005 10:48am - Christraper ""]
yea no shit dude. im not gonna be able to get any work done today.
[Mar 14,2005 10:49am - Christraper ""]
paganmegan said:I'm sure it is naught but stanky bullshit.

i certainly hope so. id be a very sad christraper. id probably leave work.
[Mar 14,2005 10:50am - dreadkill ""]
if king diamond died, i would never listen to music again
[Mar 14,2005 10:51am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
KING DIAMOND is immortal!
[Mar 14,2005 10:56am - paganmegan ""]
Christraper said:paganmegan said:I'm sure it is naught but stanky bullshit.

i certainly hope so. id be a very sad christraper. id probably leave work.

I wouldn't be so thrilled either.

[Mar 14,2005 11:08am - Christraper ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:KING DIAMOND is immortal!

see thats what i thought. but i could be wrong, you never know.
[Mar 14,2005 11:59am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I'm sure that his VOODOO will bring him back to life if he died.
[Mar 14,2005 12:02pm - Christraper ""]
I wonder how many people would actually try to dig him up if he died. i know i probably would.
[Mar 14,2005 2:08pm - dreadkill ""]
i'd dig him up and eat him to see if i would get his special musical powers.
[Mar 14,2005 2:10pm - dreaminginexile ""]
dreadkill said:i'd dig him up and eat him to see if i would get his special musical powers.

HAHAHA, you better be sharing!!!
[Mar 14,2005 2:11pm - dreaminginexile ""]
RustedAngel said:actually blabbermouth is known to post rumors as well.

this is true...

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