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ATTN pathos productions

[Mar 15,2005 11:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
get a fucking website, dickhead
[Mar 15,2005 11:24am - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Mar 15,2005 11:26am - dread_104 ""]
[Mar 15,2005 11:52am - Todd NLI  ""]
Yea that would be so helpful ...you lazy shit,DO IT NOW!!
[Mar 15,2005 12:03pm - Christraper ""]
his business card says he has a website
[Mar 15,2005 12:03pm - Christraper ""]
but i dont see one anywhere
[Mar 15,2005 2:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I registered http://www.pathosproductions.com/ now what do I do?!

Nate (LEUKORRHEA) is supposed to help me, who knows?
[Mar 15,2005 2:42pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
You need to PAY somebody to build you a website, they don't grow by themselves...eh.
[Mar 15,2005 2:45pm - dreaminginexile ""]
well, worst case if you need a hand with a website, I'm reasonably priced. I do serious programming all day for an internet based company, so it's not like I don't know what I'm doing.

catch me on AIM if you're interested or have questions.
[Mar 15,2005 2:54pm - nate ""]
John, a while back I sent you an e-mail about this, I'll have to find it and resend cause you never responded to it...
[Mar 15,2005 5:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I just want a basic fucking site!

Once I learn how to do it, I will add the shopping cart bullshit myself since you said it's time consuming.
[Mar 15,2005 5:33pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
Dude I think you're fucking dreaming here Dwyer my dear...The shopping cart is some serious work, but I guess you don't have credit card so you won't need decrypted shit on it. We paid $800 to the programmer for the site and traded with the designers, the total would have been $2000.
[Mar 15,2005 5:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ArmageddAnne said:You need to PAY somebody to build you a website, they don't grow by themselves...eh.

Ha ha !
[Mar 15,2005 5:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have a PayPal shopping cart, I just need a site to add it to!

And I know a page doesn't grow, it was a joke.
[Mar 15,2005 6:10pm - Robdeadskin ""]
yea john get on it!!!!!
[Mar 15,2005 6:22pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
i am so fucking pissed that there is no pathos website

this is such bullshit

what the fuck dwyer> unreal, man
[Mar 15,2005 6:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 15,2005 6:52pm - handinjury ""]
Dwyer you slacker, even I made the most basic,cheezy, wicked,wicked gay, super lame website.

Can you spell check this for me - STAT!
[Mar 15,2005 7:03pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I had a website once - www.pathos.net - I didn't renew it in time.

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