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Writing music

[Mar 15,2005 1:09pm - swamplorddvm ""]
SO I was listening to some Icedearth album (not sure which one) and I heard afew songs that were REALLY similar to other Icedearth songs. One song had almost the exact rythm and music as another Icedearth song from a different album, just in a different key which I KINDA do myself sometimes. You could switch the lyrics and they would fit the other song almost perfectly. ANy ways, Icedearth is not the only band like ofcourse and that make me more confident in my "song writing", cause then I dont feel like the only one that has trouble in coming up with new shit.:spineyes:

Perhaps somebody here understands?
[Mar 15,2005 1:50pm - wakeoftears ""]
Sometimes it is kinda hard. It feels like everything you come up with is too close to something else thats already been done. So then you try and change it and then it sucks. Its a shitty cycle. I got a new one done last week though and im pretty proud of it- its somewhat in the vain of the Black Dahlia Murder. Now im working on something else a little more brutal.
[Mar 15,2005 5:33pm - dyingmuse ""]
it is indeed hard to come up with your "own" thing, without sounding like someone else. that is why i only listen to polka. lol

na, seriously, i think everyone has been in that boat once at least 100 times, just keep at it dude! \m/ music is life and a direct reflection to your emotions, once you can grasp what you have inside...you are there!

[Mar 15,2005 6:10pm - Christraper ""]
mushrooms and cough syrup. im tellin ya. the answer to every songwriter's prayers.
[Mar 15,2005 6:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Mar 15,2005 10:04pm - Abbath ""]
Christraper said:mushrooms and cough syrup. im tellin ya. the answer to every songwriter's prayers.

hahahahahhahaha those are the things i swear by also
[Mar 15,2005 10:29pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i have enough hatred twards people.... and read shit.... and see shit ....to write 10 more albums...thats just me....
[Mar 15,2005 11:01pm - powerkok ""]
I wrote a song called granny sucks cock, and its awesome. I am very complicated.
[Mar 15,2005 11:04pm - powerkok ""]
seriously....I think not listening to music gives me more ideas, and they are non-bias when writing riffs.
Hoser does that alot, and 'shows' more influence by it, but it evens out when we write together, because of the feeding off of each other.

we're lovers that dont fuck.
[Mar 15,2005 11:05pm - Aegathis ""]
Going on 6 years pf playing guitar and spent most of that time solving the song writing riddle. Now i have people that used to admire at doing it admiring me! WTF? Dan pretty much said it, keep it and youll get it.
[Mar 18,2005 1:33pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Problem for me is that the shit I write would sound different with drums and I CAN'T find a drummer!!!
[Mar 18,2005 1:56pm - DreamingInExile ""]
swamplorddvm said:Problem for me is that the shit I write would sound different with drums and I CAN'T find a drummer!!!

Fruity Loops 4 - $99 (I think you can get it at guitar center too...)

inexpensive software, easy to program, and that should help you get on your way without a drummer.
[Mar 18,2005 1:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Ah I know of this. problem is I don't own a computer.
[Mar 18,2005 2:07pm - DreamingInExile ""]
ahh, there's always the Drum Machine from BOSS, dyingmuse has one, and it's a great tool. they're kinda pricey, but well worth it, unless you want to make the investment to buy a computer (which is a good thing to own now-a-days)
[Mar 18,2005 4:46pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Sometimes I get over a song writing block by reading a book or two. It doesn't matter what, for some reason it just helps the neurons start firing again. Then add weed and you are all set.
[Mar 18,2005 4:51pm - Christraper ""]
taking a shower releases neurons as well. i get lots of great ideas in the shower. like masturbation.
[Mar 18,2005 7:28pm - dyingmuse ""]
watch the sopranos!!!! that work for everything!
[Mar 18,2005 7:31pm - blue nli  ""]
whenever i have trouble writing, i go listen to some music. i hear that shits pretty good for inspiration.
[Mar 18,2005 8:57pm - dunwich ""]
Most of the time when I'm stuck I just switch to a different instrument or just take a break for a while.
[Mar 18,2005 9:31pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
When I hear something that blows my mind.... i'll just stop listening to music for a while & write something, feeding off that feeling. And when I get stuck.... Oxycontin does the trick.
[Mar 19,2005 12:05pm - swamplorddvm ""]
The real problem is that I don't feel like playing one type of metal. And I try to incorporate Power, Black and Death and it's a pain in the ass to do and make it sound good.
[Mar 19,2005 12:09pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I know what you mean. Is it just u writing? or with a band?
[Mar 19,2005 12:15pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Just me.

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