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NEW the taste of silver MP3 up

[Mar 15,2005 8:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
figured I'd join the spree


this is a demo version of what's going to be on the Raising Kubrick / TTOS split.
[Mar 15,2005 8:14pm - Blue ""]
yeah boyee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 15,2005 8:43pm - powerkok ""]
sweet tune....luv u guys.
[Mar 15,2005 9:33pm - TNOTL  ""]
Sweet nick....SWEEEEET.
[Mar 15,2005 9:40pm - Hooker ""]
[Mar 15,2005 9:55pm - Abbath ""]
holy fuck that was amazing, rowan's vocals slay, didn't even realize that was him! ttos so good sooooooooooooooooo good
[Mar 15,2005 10:03pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i dig this band
[Mar 15,2005 10:11pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i wanna hear a recording of..1100.1101.0011
[Mar 15,2005 11:53pm - Anthony nli  ""]
most br00tal TTOS song to date.
[Mar 16,2005 12:02am - Abbath ""]
ahhhhhhhh this song is fucking sick \m/!
[Mar 16,2005 12:31am - El Justin  ""]
wow way fast and awesome
[Mar 16,2005 5:42pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
wow this surprised me. Good shtuff. I like the drumming a lot. Just the right mix of groove and blasts too.

ps. sorry jim.
[Mar 16,2005 6:03pm - nick ""]
i think you guys forgot the accoustic interlude with saetia esque vocals in this one.

kidding, its pretty good.
[Mar 16,2005 8:21pm - tbone_r ""]
oh nick, you jokester.
[Mar 17,2005 6:35pm - Carcinogenic_Cookies ""]
Superb vocals, drums, axe. This track is heavy as hell, hope you play it on the road so I can punch people.
[Mar 17,2005 6:36pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:

ps. sorry jim.

[Mar 17,2005 7:15pm - DreamingInExile ""]
OMFG! I'm having siezures! this is sick fuckin shit guys!

did you play this one on Sunday when you played with us? Sounds vaguely familiar... Either way, this owns!

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