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Slipnot, Shadows Falls & Lamb of God @ the Tsongas Arena photos

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[Mar 16,2005 7:49pm - succubus ""]
photos from last night

link to pics


caught him spitting gob



[Mar 16,2005 7:52pm - Blue ""]
awesome job, carina! whenever you do arena photos, they always come out damn great.
[Mar 16,2005 8:10pm - shatteredliz ""]
Yeah, Carina, the picture look great. It was so good to get to catch up with you!
[Mar 16,2005 8:21pm - Kalopsia ""]
fuckin amazing photos
[Mar 16,2005 8:43pm - succubus ""]
thanks guys =)
i was the only one who didn't cheat (everyone else used flash)
[Mar 16,2005 9:20pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I wish I was as good as you
[Mar 16,2005 9:55pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Wow. You unequivocably rule Carina.

It's cool that the Lamb of God guy was wearing an Accused shirt.
[Mar 16,2005 10:22pm - lady_czerach ""]
Damn woman. Gorgeous photos!
[Mar 17,2005 12:58am - succubus ""]
<3 to you all
[Mar 17,2005 1:18am - powerkok ""]
very very intense pics succ.....the fact that no flash was used is the clincher....youve heard it before, but ya, your pics rule !

[Mar 17,2005 1:20am - powerkok ""]
p.s. slipknot needs to give it up...their new 'suits' are so fucking queer....I mean, cmon, ties?
And theyre soooo metal that they use strats, and fender lookin jazz bass variants. How very lame.
[Mar 17,2005 1:44am - Anthony nli  ""]
powerkok said:And theyre soooo metal that they use strats, and fender lookin jazz bass variants. How very lame.

Hey, here's a little bass nerd-ery that conflicts with what you said. Not because I wanna be a jerk and disagree randomly but because I am a pathetic bass nerd.

That lefty bass that the bass player had was actually an Ibanez ATK, a line which Ibanez discontinued a couple years back.

ATKs are excellent and versatile basses, some of Ibanez's best, and are actually based on Musicman designs (i.e. Stingray, Sterling, Sabre) and not Fender designs. Although, interestingly, Leo Fender (genius) founded and made the initial designs for both companies!
[Mar 17,2005 2:25am - powerkok ""]
I understand.....and Im sure its a great bass, as strats are great guitars.
theres just one problem.
Its GAY lookin!!!
Its not metal!!

And I did say 'variants' cuz I knew it wasnt a J
[Mar 17,2005 9:01am - anonymous  ""]
i didn\'t really give a review..but it was a fun show. Liz and i got there at the same time and got to hang out for a while too =)

ummm, while waiting backstage i talked to Randy (log singer) for like 2 minutes and told him that i had heard (from MS Erica) that he was wearing the shirt i gave him in their latest video and he told me it\'s all over the DVD too. I\'d post a pic for that photoshoot but i\'m at work, dunno if i ever posted any.

slipknot took long to come on stage and they had a huge white sheet hiding the front of the stage...i was waiting on the side and so i saw when they actually came on. The sheet was up for at least 3 minutes into the first song..i started zooming in on the singer and snapped a couple of pics, he saw me and pointed at me..that pic is funny, but i\'m at work now so i\'m not going to look for it..anyhow i left right after taking pics of slipknot

[Mar 17,2005 4:44pm - the_reverend ""]
awesome pictures.
[Mar 17,2005 4:59pm - metalmatt666 ""]
better than anything i could do
[Mar 17,2005 5:35pm - powerkok ""]
no shit, you suck at everything. shut up.
[Mar 17,2005 6:18pm - DreamingInExile ""]
powerkok said:no shit, you suck at everything. shut up.

[Mar 17,2005 6:28pm - Blue ""]
Anthony nli said:powerkok said:And theyre soooo metal that they use strats, and fender lookin jazz bass variants. How very lame.

Hey, here's a little bass nerd-ery that conflicts with what you said. Not because I wanna be a jerk and disagree randomly but because I am a pathetic bass nerd.

That lefty bass that the bass player had was actually an Ibanez ATK, a line which Ibanez discontinued a couple years back.

ATKs are excellent and versatile basses, some of Ibanez's best, and are actually based on Musicman designs (i.e. Stingray, Sterling, Sabre) and not Fender designs. Although, interestingly, Leo Fender (genius) founded and made the initial designs for both companies!

they brought the ATK bass back into production a couple of years ago, too.
[Mar 17,2005 8:04pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Mar 17,2005 8:13pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Look at all those idjuts that missed out on SUPERCHRIST!
[Mar 17,2005 8:19pm - succubus ""]
hahahahaha joe!

sorry bestial =(
i did it for the bling, yes i'm a sellout. if i wasn't sick i would have gone after with liz....

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