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CounterStrike:Source - who's in?

[Mar 17,2005 4:15pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Hey, trying to find out how many of you play CounterStrike:Source (for Half Life 2) and would be up for gaming.

catch me on AIM or ask me for my xfire name

[Mar 17,2005 4:18pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Mar 17,2005 4:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I used to play Urban Terror, great mod, Oswald is the man :newhorns:

maybe I should install Q3 again... it's been like 2 years since I've played... I'll get pwnt bad
[Mar 17,2005 4:30pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
CS:S? I'm all for it as long as we avoid Dust and Aztec.
[Mar 17,2005 4:34pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
my name's BloodFireDeath by the way
[Mar 17,2005 4:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
DreamingInExile said:I used to play Urban Terror, great mod, Oswald is the man :newhorns:

maybe I should install Q3 again... it's been like 2 years since I've played... I'll get pwnt bad


soon this year, you won't need Q3 to run Urban Terror any longer. They are porting it over to EnemyTerritory. So it will be called ET:UT. I can't wait.

[Mar 17,2005 4:39pm - DreamingInExile ""]
nice, I wish they'd port it for a more capable engine though... the Q3 engine is nice, but it's getting dated. they could do soooo much if they moved to a more capable platform (I.E. Unreal Engine)
[Mar 17,2005 5:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I can't stand CS:S

I don't know why. It just looks boring to me. The dust and aztec maps were hyped out also. Aren't those maps remakes from the origianl CS? maybe that's why the graphics were so unimpressive.
[Mar 17,2005 5:35pm - powerkok ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I can't stand CS:S

I don't know why. It just looks boring to me. The dust and aztec maps were hyped out also. Aren't those maps remakes from the origianl CS? maybe that's why the graphics were so unimpressive.

theyre basically all remakes of the original cs maps except 2 or 3 new ones...its definitley not boring.
Quake sux.

I am POWERKOK on cs. add me to friends.
[Mar 17,2005 5:47pm - DreamingInExile ""]
powerkok said:I am POWERKOK on cs. add me to friends.

will do after band practice tonight. I'm |RIB|Jotun on CS, so you can add me
[Mar 17,2005 6:20pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'm going to start a yahoo chinese checkers clan called Sexual Dog Hampers. I'll be |SDH|MSD, who's in?
[Mar 17,2005 6:23pm - DreamingInExile ""]
hahaha, I'd rather a minesweeper clan!
[Mar 17,2005 7:20pm - hoser ""]
We've BEEN in.....where the hell have you been?
[Mar 17,2005 7:25pm - DreamingInExile ""]
hey kok, I can't seem to find you on the friends network in Steam, what's the e-mail you use to login to steam, so I can search you that way.

if you use xfire, add: ribjotun to your friends list. if you don't use xfire, get it, so it's easy to see who's playing where and join up with them

[Mar 17,2005 7:27pm - DreamingInExile ""]
RustedAngel said:soon this year, you won't need Q3 to run Urban Terror any longer. They are porting it over to EnemyTerritory. So it will be called ET:UT. I can't wait.

I think they should just make it a stand alone... no Q3, no ET, nothing, just straight up UT.
[Mar 17,2005 10:18pm - powerkok ""]
how is this game better than source?
[Mar 17,2005 11:13pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
i play CSS all the time, i gotta re-install half life and everything and get my GFX card fixed as well
[Mar 17,2005 11:17pm - norwellbob ""]
I haven't made the jump to HL2 or the new CS yet... is it worth it? All the gay faggotry and cheating ruined the first CS for me (not to mention the much-better Day of Defeat).
[Mar 17,2005 11:23pm - powerkok ""]
bob....unfortunatley there are still cheaters, but overall I think everything else is better.
The bodies are my favorite upgrade, but Im just morbid, and will shoot dead bodies over and over to see them flip around.
[Mar 17,2005 11:25pm - powerkok ""]
me and my bro used to be really good at cs...well he still is, but I quit for almost a year....but I went to Nashville for the |LUBE| lan party, and tournament.
When we got there, there was a bunch of pimply 14 year old, dipshits.....but now, I just shoot dead bodies.
[Mar 18,2005 11:31pm - Paulll  ""]
Counter strike killed up untill 1.6. I hate the update. Although it is still fun to play. Day of defeat does indeed surpass counter strike in some ways. Unfortunatly I think the hacking is at its all time worse right now
[Mar 18,2005 11:47pm - powerkok ""]
the only things I hate about css:

only 1 skin per team.
high demand on vid card...(I have a geforce4 ti4200 128 mb card and only get 25-30 fps on office, 50-100 on iceworld)
grenade physics are WAYYY different and I throw em too high now.

other than that, I think its a HUGE step up from 1.6
and I fuckin hate the cheaters too.
[Mar 20,2005 8:15pm - jesus ""]
jesus is always down for some cs

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