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NotCommon: the secret of nimh (discography)

[Mar 19,2005 8:31am - Joe/NotCommon ""]

My first release, Disengaged's self titled demo. We did about 4-500 CDrs and sold out.


The second release, The Fatnugs Sampler. Compiled by Beakey (from Disengaged) this was my introduction to Kevorkian's Angels and Red Invasion. Made about 100 of these and sold out.


Victims of the Undead was the third release, a pro-CDr (my first pro-release) compilation of New England metal. There are still some available, by special request only and can be picked up at certain shows if requested.


Red Invasion/Bane of Existence split CDr. This was my last home made release, was actually just a re-release of both bands EP CDs. This was limited to about 50 copies, no more were made because I planned on stopping the label until I recieved this in the mail:


Kevorkian's Angels sent this to me in late 2002 looking for more shows (I booked them in 2001 but had heard they broke up shortly after that, which turned out to be a lie). I got in touch with them and restarted my label with this as the real first release and with it created a blueprint for the future.


With the signing of Kevorkian's Angels, Disengaged decided to get back together to play a show with them and kept on going after that one show (sound familiar?). The inevitable result was the Ocean, a 30 something minute CD of pure hatred and rage. In 2003, with these 2 releases, I was able to push both bands onto some shows in Boston through Prophetless Productions and then eventually get established myself as a promoter in the city.


Red Invasion was also back in full swing, with a new drummer and bassist and ready to record. They did a split with their friends from Worcester, The Sarcastics and I released the split in the summer of 2003. Though a solid release, this didn't catch on as much as KA and Disengaged because I think what I was doing with shows and the label was catching on much faster in the metal scene then in punk (where it wasn't at all). Red Invasion moved on to Pelado Records a few months later and I put all my focus on metal after that.


Phantom Limb I became familiar with through their several appearances on the earlier Bostons Dead shows. A 2 piece death metal band with alot of power behind them. I grabbed these guys pretty quickly, making this my first total metal album. This was to be my last release of 2003, which was an impressive year for me and really cemented NotCommon into the Boston scene.


I signed Raising Kubrick the day after I signed Conifer, after both bands played a series of shows around New England with Kevorkian's Angels. When I first saw this band, they had 2 singers, but after losing one of them they really moved forward with their style. It was that and their dedication to playing live shows that got me interested in these guys and girl. Though originally slated to come out after Conifer (and a compilation that was never released), this came out and then they went on tour. This became my best seller to date until:


Currently one of the more popular bands in New England metal, when I first met Conifer they were a 3 piece (Zach, Shadley and Nate), but by the time I first saw them John from Big Gay Alaska had joined up and they did 2 small new england tours with Kevorkian's Angels. When their CD was released, they were already out on a month long tour of the US and I shipped their CDs to Seattle. the success of Conifer helped bring alot of attention to the label just in time for:


Abhorred, generating a catchy and violent blend of thrash, black metal, grind and death, these guys blasted into the scene with non-stop shows for all of 2004. Stumbling across their site trying to compile the above mentioned compilation that never came out, I booked these guys just because they had a Kevorkian's Angels link on their site already and that first show was a disaster but they were cool with it and great guys to hang out with. Releasing them was something that just had to be done.


Though not catalogued by a number, this split sampler is an important inclusion and WorldEater records from Philly was the best choice for a split CD sampler. After seeing one for 2 punk/hardcore labels, I decided a split sampler was the best way to go for more exposure. But with so many labels being so niche (all death, all black, all vinyl, etc) I was losing hope I'd find a label I would be interested in working with but then I linked to WorldEater's site from somewhere. With a great variety of bands, this was the obvious choice and they were interested right off the bat as well.

Coming releases:
Raising Kubrick / The taste of Silver split 10"
Conifer EP 12"
Kevorkian's Angels full length CD
Raising Kubrick EP
Sonic Obliteration: 60 songs in 60 minutes
Raising Kubrick / Bane of Existence split
[Mar 19,2005 9:30am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
make one of your album's cover art a picture of a horse in a diaper eating a pile of pocketbooks

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