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too fucked up for words

[Mar 20,2005 1:04am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

this guy is a retarded sex offender.


I'm at a loss for words. imagine getting raped by that.
[Mar 20,2005 1:06am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I really do want to laugh and cry at the same time
[Mar 20,2005 1:07am - Distrust-Kevin  ""]
[Mar 20,2005 1:08am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I saw that dude on the Red Line tonight.
[Mar 20,2005 1:13am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
there is no god
[Mar 20,2005 1:23am - Dissector ""]
I can't stop staring
[Mar 20,2005 1:28am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Dissector said:I can't stop staring

I can't stop jacking off
[Mar 20,2005 10:51am - powerkok ""]
it looks like tiny from house of 1000 corpses......Is he from nh dave?
[Mar 20,2005 10:57am - powerkok ""]
n/m......wow hahahahhahhah its my new cs spraypaint.
[Mar 20,2005 12:13pm - Abbath ""]
i want to take a baseball bat and crack him over the face, that dude is fucked up
[Mar 20,2005 12:19pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
powerkok said:it looks like tiny from house of 1000 corpses......Is he from nh dave?

according to his sex offender profile, he's from Ohio.
[Mar 20,2005 12:54pm - Kalopsia ""]
i really have nothing to say about that
[Mar 20,2005 3:19pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
That can't be real. It says he is 5'7" tall.... The pic has him standing under a light switch????
[Mar 20,2005 3:27pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
DEATH2ALL said:That can't be real. It says he is 5'7" tall.... The pic has him standing under a light switch????

and not only is his light switch at head-height, he also has the back of a chair attached to his back! what is going on here?
[Mar 20,2005 3:29pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Beauty in its purest form.
[Mar 21,2005 11:28am - ShadowSD  ""]
Abbath said:i want to take a baseball bat and crack him over the face, that dude is fucked up

I think someone beat you to it...
[Mar 21,2005 11:38am - Christraper ""]
"now kids i want you to stay away from Mr Peppers..."
[Mar 21,2005 12:14pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
ughhh,this dude is fucked! Quick question though, would you rather be fondled by this creep or by michael jackson?
[Mar 21,2005 12:16pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Hung_to_Bleed said:ughhh,this dude is fucked! Quick question though, would you rather be fondled by this creep or by michael jackson?

six in one half a dozen the other I'd say


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