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my nile boner . . .

[Mar 23,2005 11:53am - litacore ""]

. . . does not shrink until May 24, 2005:doublehorns:
[Mar 23,2005 12:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
They changed the "i" in the logo, it looks stupid now.
[Mar 23,2005 12:02pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Relapse Records has set a May 24 release date for the new NILE album, "Annihilation of the Wicked". A special "collector's edition" of the album is currently available for pre-order for $30, featuring exclusive NILE artifacts: a custom Serpent-Ankh necklace, full-color album poster, vinyl sticker and embroidered patch not available anywhere else.
[Mar 23,2005 12:05pm - litacore ""]
nuh-uh, the emroidered patch will be available at The Gap
[Mar 23,2005 12:29pm - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
litacore said:nuh-uh, the emroidered patch will be available at The Gap

* Or Hot Topic
[Mar 23,2005 12:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
we're doing the shirts now, can't wait to get my digital hands on a copy.

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