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People that don't understand the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE...

[Mar 23,2005 2:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Mildly retarded?

[Mar 23,2005 2:37pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 23,2005 2:39pm - blue ""]
YOUR is a possessive.

YOU'RE is an abbreviation for YOU ARE.
[Mar 23,2005 2:40pm - litacore ""]
Lie and Lay
[Mar 23,2005 2:41pm - litacore ""]
[Mar 23,2005 2:43pm - handinjury ""]
Dwyer, YOUR hairline is going bald.

Dwyer, YOU'RE pain in the balls.

[Mar 23,2005 2:45pm - the_reverend ""]
his boyfriend must like that he's so anal.
[Mar 23,2005 3:11pm - Not Anonymous  ""]
Give the guy a break, he\'s not getting laid, what else can he do with his time?
[Mar 23,2005 3:26pm - handinjury ""]
Not Anonymous said:Give the guy a break, he\'s not getting laid, what else can he do with his time?

:yoda:GET A FUCKING JOB!!!!!! :yoda:
[Mar 23,2005 3:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
handinjury said: YOU'RE pain

We all know what a genius you are, Brian.
[Mar 23,2005 4:28pm - Hooker ""]
Spelling is a dead scene.
[Mar 23,2005 4:29pm - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 23,2005 5:19pm - Mary ""]
[Mar 23,2005 5:25pm - handinjury ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:handinjury said: YOU'RE pain

We all know what a genius you are, Brian.

Of course, i dont spell check or proof read anything i post.

[Mar 23,2005 5:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
why did i even click this thread?
[Mar 23,2005 5:55pm - Kalopsia ""]
i still get pissed off when people fuck up "to" and "too"
[Mar 23,2005 7:22pm - rev @ as220  ""]
I'm more of a stickler for was/were (subjunctive people) and well/good
[Mar 23,2005 7:25pm - Hooker ""]
[Mar 23,2005 7:52pm - Boots ""]
i'm the biggest retard and i admit it. i can't spell worth shit. i can fight a pretty nasty fight though. lol *hope everythings spelled ok for ya* haha fuck you!
[Mar 23,2005 8:23pm - rev @ as220  ""]
I can't spell and I can't fight.
I'm fucked!
[Mar 23,2005 9:24pm - Dissector ""]
Thist pisses me off.
[Mar 24,2005 12:44am - hoser ""]
I'm so glad that someone posted this. It irritates the ballsack right off of me when people that don't comprehend their own language, attempt to ram their political and ideological jargon down your throat. Teachers in this country need to be hung for not doing their jobs. Parents need to be hung right beside them for their blatant negligence. The fact that we have college graduates out there that can't punctuate or spell properly blows the ass right out of me. HANG PROFESSORS. I know that all of my professors at UNH spent more time teaching their political ideology to their classes than they did any real knowledge. On top of that, they make $70K+ annually to do it!! I'm tying the noose if anyone wants in.
[Mar 24,2005 12:50am - mark fucking richards  ""]
it's jargOn, hoser. you get hanged too bucko! hahaha, i kid i kid.
[Mar 24,2005 1:02am - hoser ""]
Touche Richards, Touche.

"Will someone please kick this chair?"
[Mar 24,2005 1:08am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
People that end sentences or questions with AT.

"Where's my car at?"

[Mar 24,2005 1:09am - hoser ""]
werd homes!!!
[Mar 24,2005 1:11am - Distrust-Kevin ""]
comb bomb tomb

come tome

head bed bead weed wed wead?

mouse mice goose geese moose meese?

ox oxen?!@?!$?!@#?%

Yeah it must look pretty weird to an immigrant

[Mar 24,2005 1:13am - hoser ""]
I'm calling La Migra......well get rid of dem damned Migrants. Durned lettuce pickers!!!

Dey took our jobs!!!!!

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