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North Shore depreciation thread

[Mar 24,2005 4:15pm - KeithMutiny ""]
every fucking shitty ass town north of Boston, along that rt1 and 1a section, can suck my fucking dirty ass. Revere, Lynn, Swampscott, Saugus, and all the rest of those shit holes, fuck you.

-Your residenst cannot drive with thier life depended on it.
-Your towns smell like a rotted 6 month corpse plastered in dog shit.
-You cant fix the fucking roads so it doesnt destroy my truck.
-Most of the people there can't even speak english.

... the list could go on for days

my area is full of bitch ass yuppies, but at least they know whats up
[Mar 24,2005 4:19pm - tbone_r ""]
south shore, represent.
[Mar 24,2005 4:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]
You forgot one -- Lawrence. A very special place. By special, I mean fucking terrible.
[Mar 24,2005 4:30pm - Boots ""]
somebody should buy the city of Revere a giant fucking roll of toilet paper.
[Mar 24,2005 4:32pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Revere was so much cooler when it had a rollercoaster and no spanish people
[Mar 24,2005 4:34pm - blue ""]
yeah north shore. all you southerners can eat my ass.
[Mar 24,2005 4:35pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
How the hell is Revere North Shore? It's like ten minutes from my house. But it still sucks.
[Mar 24,2005 4:36pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Metro West is where its at, cunts.
[Mar 24,2005 4:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Charlestown bitch, where we'd rather shank an off-duty cop than go without booze at Sully's
[Mar 24,2005 4:38pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
blackstone valley son.
[Mar 24,2005 4:52pm - DreamingInExile ""]
largefreakatzero said:You forgot one -- Lawrence. A very special place. By special, I mean fucking terrible.

yeah, but Law-Town isn't NorthShore, but you're right, it's the armpit of the Merrimac Valley...
[Mar 24,2005 4:54pm - Josh_Martin ""]
largefreakatzero said:You forgot one -- Lawrence. A very special place. By special, I mean fucking terrible.

I live in Lawrence. The only thing that sucks about it is all the P.R.s.
The drugs however, are plentiful and easy to get and there are still enough italian holdovers that there is tons of awesome food.

Also, Lawrence is not part of the north shore.
Merrimack Valley represent yo!

[Mar 24,2005 4:58pm - SuperFly ""]
PEABODY, thats where its at.
[Mar 24,2005 5:00pm - abhorred ""]

Merrimack Valley represent yo!


[Mar 24,2005 5:02pm - SuperFly ""]
I was born in Lowell.
[Mar 24,2005 5:06pm - abhorred ""]
I'm sorry
[Mar 24,2005 5:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i work in swampscott right now, thats what inspired this thread... i fucking hate it
[Mar 24,2005 5:44pm - Scoracrasia ""]
Cape Cod nigga! oh, wait...:pukeface:
We are literally shaped like an armpit.
[Mar 24,2005 5:46pm - blue ""]
woburn guy.
[Mar 24,2005 5:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Scoracrasia said:Cape Cod nigga! oh, wait...:pukeface:
We are literally shaped like an armpit.

and theres like, 10 people in the entire region from september to april
[Mar 24,2005 6:26pm - dreadkill ""]
burlington, MA motherfuckers! tits!
[Mar 24,2005 7:05pm - Scoracrasia ""]
KeithMutiny said:Scoracrasia said:Cape Cod nigga! oh, wait...:pukeface:
We are literally shaped like an armpit.

and theres like, 10 people in the entire region from september to april

That's about right.:satancross:

[Mar 24,2005 8:37pm - XmikeX ""]
the North Shore is the intergalactic hub for fruitcake mod hipsters. If I could bury the north shore and everyone in it I would in a second.
[Mar 25,2005 12:44pm - Paulll  ""]
Come on mike you dont like the dennys in beverly? thats scenster central
[Mar 25,2005 12:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the south shore is way better thanks to weymouth rock and the mutant population of holbrook
[Mar 25,2005 12:48pm - duh  ""]
how is revere the north shore? haha look at a map you retard.

i agree with xmikex about the hipster factor. its more fashion up here, but it has more shows than the south.
[Mar 25,2005 12:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Revere is north of boston, thats why. Maybe you should look at a map.
[Mar 25,2005 12:55pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I hate that fucking Denny's. My I knew some scenester faggots wgi would always talk about that place like it was the holy grail of places to go after you saw .xtearstornintheskyscreamx.

Yeah you're in a meaningful relationship because your boyfriend doesn't just like Atreyu and From Autmumn To Ashes, he also has an emotional side which he can only express by listening to Dashboard. Also, banging random dudes off of friendster doesn't conflict with your edge.
[Mar 25,2005 4:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
duh said:how is revere the north shore? haha look at a map you retard.

i agree with xmikex about the hipster factor. its more fashion up here, but it has more shows than the south.

Revere is considered the North Shore you fucking cunt, look at a map, look at any regional listing of MA and you will see it listed as such, you dont have the intelligence to question me, so keep it to yourself.
[Mar 25,2005 4:27pm - Hooker ""]
tbone_r said:south shore, represent.

six one sev
[Mar 25,2005 4:27pm - SuperFly ""]
keith, you know your beloved disrupt hailed from lynn right.
[Mar 25,2005 4:29pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Keith will fuck you up Jeff, don't tell him that
[Mar 25,2005 4:30pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im fully aware of this, superfly, the only good thing to ever come from that town too, i was gonna mention that in the original thread as an exemption, but i was on a roll... well, that and a really cool episode of cops i watched the other day.
[Mar 25,2005 4:32pm - SuperFly ""]
its a city not a town, sin city.
[Mar 25,2005 4:46pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ya ya ya... ill stick to my attractive women that dont have bad accents and stuck up snotty developments...

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