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BLUT AUS NORD - The Work Which Transforms God

[Mar 25,2005 9:52am - litacore ""]
a whole fuckload of people here have recommended this band to me during my search for some seriously anti-Dimmu black metal :whipper:

is this CD any good to start with?
[Mar 25,2005 10:31am - CarrotsandSticks ""]
yes, but I would rather start with Enslaved or Taake
[Mar 25,2005 10:42am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i got it, if you want i can dig it up for you.
[Mar 25,2005 1:10pm - grohm  ""]
anaal nathraak is good
woods of ypres
blust aus nord is good
nokturnal mortem

any of those bands are ripping black metal.
[Mar 25,2005 1:40pm - litacore ""]
thank you my legions
[Mar 25,2005 2:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yeah if i go to the Dee Dee's show tonight i'll bring it with me incase you're there.
[Mar 25,2005 2:20pm - litacore ""]
I'm goin' to Providence, alas

how about bringing it May 6 to O'briens, for the blackened debut of HEKSERI ?
[Mar 25,2005 2:30pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
haha umm maybe, i'm sure there will be other shows we both go to before then.

but whatevers clever !
[Mar 28,2005 6:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hey i'm gonna bring this tonight to the middle east and o'breins on friday if i see Megan i'll give it to her for you.
[Mar 28,2005 9:12pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
It's a damn good CD. Really original...

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